"Actually I wanna wait until everyone arrives my mother in-law is on her way."

  We were all going over the plans for the next few weeks with Sarah so that everyone can be on the same page.

"So everyone know as of today the wedding is four weeks and three days away. The whole wedding party is schedule to be in Savannah three weeks from today. But it's mandatory that the maid of honor along with matron of honor be in Savannah two weeks before with the bride and groom." Sarah stated referring to Sha and Kim.

"I want everyone to know that for the wedding NO one hair will be down, it must be pulled up some kind of way. Yes it can be half up half down but my hair will be the only one completely down." I stated calmly but serious.

"Or what we won't walk down aisle?" TaeTae asked while laughing.

"Exactly." I shout back causing her to stop laughing.  "TaeTae I love you dearly but please don't test me on my wedding day it won't end well." I stated patting her back. 

  Before she could respond everyone attention turned towards the door. In walked Mrs. Williams holding baby Addison with Jada not to far behind. A smile grew on my face at the sight of my mother in-law and step child, but it quickly changed to a frown when I seen Jada. I didn't even know they were in town. I turned towards my girls and both Sha and Kim could read my thoughts. "Calm down don't let this ruin your day." My mother mouthed to me I just nodded and turned to face them with a smirk.

"Hey Mama Keisha." I stated to Mrs.Williams while pulling her into a hug.

"Hey my dear." she smile hugging back. "I'm so sorry this was the only way she would allow me to get the baby." She whispered before releasing her grip.

I just smile, "Look everyone look who's here." I semi-yelled with happiness as I grab Addis from Mrs.Williams bouncing her up and down.

   I decided I'm not going to let this creature ruin my day, so I will be carrying on with everything as if she's not standing by the door. An that includes me interacting with Addison, she's starting to grow on me seeing how she's always around.

   Kim came and grabbed her while I went to the front of the store to get the tailors with Sha not for behind.

"You good boo?" Sha asked me

"Of course I am." I replied with a smirk.

"You know we a kick her ass clean up outta here just say the word."

"You know I love yo crazy ass Tisha, but it's all good I want her to see how much her daughter likes me with her spoiled ass." I stated laughing causing Sha to laugh as well.

"I love you to boo and yo ass better stop saying my government name." She snap pushing me.

"Yeah yeah whatever Tisha Jones, just make sure that creature isn't in there when I try on my dress." 

   She nodded as we walked towards the room with the tailors not far behind. Entering the room we saw how both Shawn Mother and sister were trying to get Addis to smile or giggle but she sat there with a blank face. I swear this is Shawn's child they both stubborn and dose the most at times. Walking over to Kim who was holding her, I squat down so I could be the same level as Addison.

"What's a matter Snook huh what's the matter with Nelly baby. Why she looking all grumpy huh?" I asked Addison while playing with her feet. She began to smile a little as I continue to call her Snook the nickname Shawn and I gave her.

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