CHAPTER 06: Downpour

Start from the beginning

"What now?" She asked glancing towards her annoyed.

"Nothing, it's just," she trailed off looking down, unconsciously playing with her necklace again. "It's just... what they say. About him. Agust D."

She put the polisher down and stared at her pointedly.

"And what are the clueless citizens of Seoul saying about him?" Her tone was defensive.

"They say seeing his face is a death sentence," she trailed off trying to push away the image of the dark stranger in black flirting and teasing her.

"So?" She shrugged it off picking up the polish again. "He was wearing his mask, right?"

Silence passed between them.

Ashley noticed and looked back at her wide-eyed, remembering that he wasn't. The two girls exchanged a silent look during which a thousand thoughts passed through their troubled minds.

"He wouldn't hurt you," she ended up saying.

"They'd killed people for less," Marcella wasn't convinced. "Why should they spare me? You know how important anonymity is to them. What if he comes looking for me?"

"Okay!" She growled sticking her fingers inside the oven, finally done with her whining. "First of all, half the crap they say about Bangtan is cookie-cutter shit. Second, their anonymity is important, yes, but I doubt he knows I told you who he is. Third it's been two days, if he wanted, you'd be dead by now. And third and final, he saw you with me; he won't touch you, relax!"

Marcella's mind was on overdrive. What could all this mean? How did they know each other? How close were they? What was Ashley holding back exactly?

"You seem so sure," she trailed off still uncertain. "What's the backstory anyways? did you two-?"

"Ew, no!" She said scrunching her nose up disgusted as if she had asked her to eat dirty socks or something.

"Oh, come on! The guy is sex on legs why would you pass?!" Marcella pressured playing the girl talk card.

"He's not my type!" Ashley shrugged making her friend scoff.

"Lie! He's everyone's type!" she purred clearly unconvinced. "I mean have you seen the guy?!"

Ashley chuckled.

"We do have the knick of falling for the wrong guys, don't we?" She murmured.

"Wait," Marcella exclaimed razing her hands in the air, eyes sparkling as if she made the discovery of the century. "Is he gay?!"

Ashley almost dropped the primer. She slowly looked turned her head towards her friend with a look that could kill her on spot.

"Let this be the last time you assumed anything like that about Agust D or any of the members of Bangtan. If you value your life, that is!" Ashley warned.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay?" Marcella proclaimed crossing her hands over her chest and glaring her friend down.

The blonde shrugged.

"Tell that to Korean society!" she said. "But don't ever say it in front of or about Bangtan. I mean it!"

"How come you know so much about them?" She pushed again from a different angle. "Were you classmates or something?"

Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Nice try but I'm not giving you any information that might get you killed." She continued ignoring any and every question she asked from then on, causing the redhead to finally pout and halt her relentless curiosity.

Sons of Bangtan {Mafia AU}🔞Where stories live. Discover now