CHAPTER 11: Love Is A Bitch

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Stop insisting on clearing your head

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Stop insisting on clearing your head.
Clean your fucking heart instead.

~ Charles Bukowski


Namjoon took a sip from the glass he was currently nursing. He had forgotten how many of them he had in the past hour alone, not to mention the past two days. But being the only thing that kept him sane right now, he neglected the rational part of him that warned he was drinking too much and indulged in the comforting haze of alcohol.

His head hurt from all the thinking and drinking helped sooth the pain just a little bit. He had exhausted all the possibilities. All the probable causes and impossible maybes, but he had concluded to the same deduction he arrived in the very beginning. There was no other option and delaying the inevitable conclusion would only result in putting himself and his hyungs into danger. No matter what, he couldn't let the latter happen.

It was them. There was no denying it anymore. The Serpents had betrayed the Seven. That was the only logical explanation. He gulped down the last of his drink and avoided the knowing eyes of the man in front of him. Yoongi had probably already known for a while now. It was hard for things to slip his attention and Namjoon was certain the only reason his hyung had let the events slide without retaliation, was because of him.

Namjoon had doubts about the involvements of the Serpents up until now and Yoongi, being Yoongi, had let him arrive at the same conclusion himself, before moving forward with actions to protect their club.

The leader of Sons was seated in the armchair surrounded by the white smoke of his favorite cigarette, nursing his own drink, calm and collected as always. Namjoon had just shared his discoveries with Yoongi and he seemed as unfazed as ever. It almost made Namjoon lose his shit even more.

How could he be so fucking apathetic about everything, always?! He wondered.

Yoongi had insisted till the last minute that it wasn't the Serpents who betrayed their gang. That it couldn't be them. Even when Taehyung brought overwhelming evidence that it was them. Namjoon now understood Yoongi was doing this for him. But they couldn't really turn a blind eye anymore. The facts were staring at them and they needed to act. They couldn't halt the Sons' actions anymore. It had taken Namjoon too much time to catch up with what his leader had already known, only because he didn't want to believe it was them.

This only meant one thing; the woman he loved, sentenced him to death.

He deserved it, he knew that. He had done way too many shitty things to make her hate him and drive her to these kinds of actions. This could be a way for her to retaliate, for all he knew. He more than earned it. But that didn't ease the ache in his heart nor did it soften the blow to his pride.

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