Ahem, Well You See..

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With this whole..Stephen leaving Danplan..

I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll do "ft. Actually Stephen" for when I write him. Or maybe I shouldn't write him at all anymore? What do I do? It's really up to you guys since I'm stumped.

It kinda bummed me out and made me not want to write for this book at the moment. I'm not blaming anyone, I want more insight on the situation while people decide which side to choose. For me, I can't do that, so I won't. I love Daniel and Stephen both, things were said in that situation that weren't good from either of them..

I'm not asking you to complain about Daniel or cry to me about Stephen leaving. It was a toxic situation I'm glad Stephen got out of it and I'm sad that he had to in the first place. I want to write but this has gotten me caught.

Just..let me know what I need to do.

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