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Hogwarts Houses Part 3
Known for being cunning and ambitious, although it is also known to have produced many Dark witches and wizards. (Screams Jay)

"Hi, Ann!" I wave to my best friend that's on the other side of the courtyard. Someone nudges me as they walk past me. I apologize and when he turns around I mentally take back the apology.

It's once again, Jay. Why didn't I see it coming? He always bothers me for no reason and it seems like he has it out for me. I don't bother to react because I don't want him to feel all high and mighty.

Ann rushes to my side and engulfs me in a huge hug. I decide to push away anything negative and wrap my arms around her. We rush into the building and we sit next to Hosuh and Daniel.

As soon as Jay sits at the table I decide to move back to Ravenclaw's assigned table. He makes a face at me, making both him and Stephen laugh. I roll my eyes, Ann following behind me.

Later in Ravenclaw Common Room
"I'm sure he isn't doing it to hurt you," Ann attempts to comfort me a bit.

"Then why is he still doing it when he sees that it hurts me?" I ask her. She shrugs and looks to Jo for help. He takes a minute to analyze the information he's attained in this small amount of time.

"There's two theories. One being completely absurd. Which would you like to hear first?" He asks.

"Obviously the more logic one, first!" Ann and I giggle. He raises a brow, making us question his reasoning for the whole situation.

"Logic it is; he hates you a whole lot and the only way to make him feel better about himself is to make you feel the worst of yourself. Kind of a dick move if you ask me," Jo shrugs.

"Okay..I thought that might have been the case, but I've never done anything to get on his nerves. I've stayed out of his way and I've been nothing but nice to him, he's even my partner for our Transfiguration project!"

"Which concludes the absurd theory. Would you like me to continue or do we hear more of your rant? It looks like you've got more on your chest," I gave Jo a stressed and unamused smile. Ann places an arm on my shoulder and her kind eyes meet mine.

"No, continue being a brat and let us hear what else you've got to say. Less snarly comments if possible," I raise a brow. Jo and I act like brother and sister, obviously. We're always annoyed at the same time, sometimes by the same person and usually the same reason.

"I'd hate to say this because you aren't into this stuff, but he may fancy you. The way he's acting is a common reaction to hiding one's feelings so the significant other doesn't realize them," He suggests. I gag and Ann squeals.

We all go to bed early that night. What Jo assumed earlier has me awake. Why would Jay like me? What am I thinking, why am I thinking about him. He's just a bully, you're friendly not so friendly neighborhood Slytherin.

I turn over and get comfortable in my bed. If tomorrow is as bad as I'm making it out to be, I don't want it to happen. And I really don't want to see Jay either.

"How was your sleep?" Daniel asks, waving his hand in my face. I smack it away and poke my egg with my fork instead of consuming it.


He nods and takes a drink from his cup, continuing to stuff his face with sausage slices. I already finished mine, not in the mood for eggs this morning.

"If you won't eat that, I sure will!" Jay scoops it from under my fork and the urge to punch him square in the face is pulsing through me. I pull myself together before actually completing the task.

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