The Blindfolded Zombie Game

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"WOW, this hoodie is so thick you can't even hear Daniel's stupidness," Stephen comments as he puts a little cat sleeping mask over the hoodie. He thought Daniel was coming after him but it was only Elias helping him fix it.

He flinches and folds his arms over his chest like an "x".

"Are you sure you wanna make those threats while you're so vulnerable?" Daniel teases him.

Stephen lets out a loud and contagious laugh. Ann asks for someone to zip up her jacket in an adorable and helpless voice, Elias comes to her rescue and does as she's requested. 

Ann, Stephen and Hosuh squirm in their places as Daniel starts to talk.

"Stop that," he laughs, making everyone giggle. "Ann, can you breathe?"


"So, basically, the game of zombies is where you blindfold yourself and try to capture the other person. If you do, you win! If the two zombie players somehow catch a human player they gain a point and automatically win the game-okay? Whatever, you guys get it!" Daniel explains with his little game show tone.

I giggle while Stephen puts the hood over his face and acts like a zombie that is chasing me. Daniel gives me a look that tells me his best friend is off limits and I mentally sigh, knowing that already. I'm off limits to his friends too, since I'm his little sister.

I shake off the negative feelings and go back to messing around with Stephen before he notices that I'm a bit ill tempered towards my older sibling.

Elias is the one trying to get Stephen to date me in the first place, so I mean, they seem a little conflicted with my love life.

I'm on Daniel and Hosuh's team first, they mess with Stephen and Ann by clapping once then scurrying away as fast as they can. I decide to stay incognito and branch as far away from them as humanly possible. 

The two can't seem to catch any of us even though Daniel offered me up by pushing me closer a few times as well as Hosuh. Stephen swiped his arm out and barely missed me, causing me to run and hide behind Hosuh and Daniel, making them chuckle in return.

Every now and then they received a few grumpy glances from me.

Stephen makes funny noises and swings his arms around, hitting his arm really hard on the only object in the space we are participating in. Soon after the two of them lose it is then Hosuh, Daniel and I's turn. 

Hosuh somehow quickly and efficiently puts on the hood and the bunny mask while Daniel struggles and I take my sweet time. My hair gets in my face and tangles around my neck so I take everything off and attempt to put my hair in a hair tie.

The static from the hood makes it extremely difficult! I make an angry noise and Elias laughs at me, in return I make a face at him. He looks over to Stephen who was already looking at me struggle with a satisfied smile on his face.

Elias uses an eye gesture that tells him to help me and he casually walks over to do so. I feel my face burn up but I can't help it! 

Stephen braids my hair back and helps with the mask. I thank him, reaching out my arms to hug him like I usually do. Who I think is Elias takes my arm in his hand lightly and guides me to Stephen. We wrap our arms around each other and I yelp as he spins me around really fast. 

"Okay we're going to start!" Daniel mentions.

Stephen makes fun of us, calling us the idiots and we are placed in the same corner our competitors once started in.

"Hosuh, take my hand then (y/n)'s. I'll take this side and help her take the other," Daniel mentions, what a good plan. We swipe our arms around the air and none of us get anyone. After a while I start to get frustrated and decide to go on my own. 

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