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Hogwarts Houses Part 1
Known for being cunning and ambitious, although it is also known to have produced many Dark witches and wizards.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n), may I sit with you guys?" I ask three boys. The rest of the compartments are full and the train is about to take off. One with a ponytail gladly let me sit by him.

"You can sit by me, I'm Hosuh! The one with green hair is Daniel and the one with purple hair is Stephen," he says kindly. Hosuh has his robe on neatly, whilst Daniel's is a tad different.

His vest isn't buttoned, making him look more of a rebel than a Hogwarts student. Stephen doesn't even have his vest on and his tie is draped over his shoulders.

I tried to put on the tie but I've never done it before so I just held onto it. I sigh and just act like I didn't want to put on the tie.

"So, you guys don't like the uniform?" I look at the two of them. Stephen raises an eyebrow and Daniel chuckles.

"Don't try to be friends, weirdo," Stephen says bluntly. I feel that he's one of those who play hard to get so I'm not really offended. Even though it did kind of hurt me. Daniel nudges him and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't be so rude, Stephen," Hosuh huffs. I tell them both that it's okay and I just look out the window, not saying anything else for the rest of the way to Hogwarts.

They whisper among themselves and every now and then look at me. I see them from the corner of my eye but decide not to mention it. I miss my friends and family, my friends being muggles.

I only get to see them during the summer which kind of disappoints me. But I'm honored to go to Hogwarts and study witchcraft and wizardry.

Eventually we're all at Hogwarts. I get out and look around before getting on the carriage. I'm with the three from earlier and they have a strong ongoing conversation about something, if we're being honest I wasn't listening.

I just look around even though there isn't much to see since it's dark out. I hope to see my childhood friend, Jo. He said he'd be here for his second year.

As soon as the ride comes to a stop, I hop out quickly and sling my baggage over the side without damaging it. I sigh and make my way inside. My possessions are kindly taken and I say my thank you's. I open the doors and find my way to the dining area.

I barely get the chance to look around before I'm tackled in a hug. I smile and hug Jo back tightly, earning a light laugh from him. I look over and see his friend, Jay.

The Weasley twins walk past us and I swoon. They wave at me and I do the same, as casually as I can. Jo had told me all about the Weasley's over the summer. Jay nudges me and teases me a bit.

"You sure do fancy them, no?" He snorts. I smack his arm and he laughs harder.

"Do shut it, you git."

Jo chuckles and I glare at him. There's a loud ruckus and I look over to see Daniel tackle Jay. Stephen and Hosuh sit beside Jo, away from me. I look away and they all get quiet.

"Hey guys, this is my friend I was telling you about. Her name is (Y/n)! (Y/n), these are my mates-"

"I know them, I met them on the train," I mutter, refusing to make eye contact. Using my peripheral vision, I see Jo furrow his brows in confusion.

"Did something happen? You're always so cheery when making friends, a bit shy at times but never like this," Jo asks me. I sigh and shake my head, acting like I'm observing an object so that I don't have to look in their direction.

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