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Dere's Part 1
A yandere is a person romantically obsessed with someone to the point of using violent means to get them in their arms. Often seen with a sharp weapon and a psychotic grin. (literally the picture above haha)

(Y/n): your name
(B/f): best friend
(F/c): favorite color

Today's been a pretty boring day. Class is going so slow and I'm getting tired of hearing boring, quiet voices from the teacher's lectures. I start to fall asleep but someone drops a book onto the floor, making me slam my knees on the bottom of my desk top.

I wince and act as if I was actually listening. I need to get out of this class. I feel someone poke my back and I flinch to the touch, tensing up. I turn around and see one of my friends, (b/f).

"Hey, Stephen has been staring at you for a while."

I look over and he definitely is staring. He smirks and I give him a smile back, adrenaline kicking in a bit. He makes hand motions and I know exactly what they mean.

"You, me. Talk. After class."

I give him a small nod and the teacher calls my name. That's just great, I wasn't listening.

Since Stephen told me to meet after class it flew by a whole lot quicker. I was really excited, but also nervous as to what he was going to say to me. I couldn't wait any longer, I'm going to practically explode any minute.

I love being dramatic sometimes, hush.

(B/f) and I got to our lockers and fill them with our book bags and classroom essentials. It's the second best time of the school day, lunch. First being we get to go home.

"(Y/n), I really don't think talking to Stephen is a good idea," (B/f) informs me. I shut my locker and lean up against the cold metal. I furrow my brows and look at the crazy lady.

"Why not? You know how I feel about him."

"I know, I know. But he's got a reputation of violent tendencies. And he's really creepy, staring at you in class? Isn't that a bit strange to you?" She continues to go on a small rant about how this all seems fishy to her.

"Look, I understand you're looking out for me, and I love you for that. But you gotta calm down, I'll be okay. He may have a reputation but he's never hurt anyone unless they deserve it, and you know that, don't you?" I inform her, she nods.

"Good. And besides, I'd love a murderous boyfriend watching my every move. It's kinda hot when I think about it."

She slowly nods but it doesn't calm her down any.

I see Stephen talking to a guy and they don't look too happy with each other. The conversation ends and he walks towards us and (B/f) smiles nervously, stepping away slowly. When she's out of his sight, she runs for the lunch room.

"Hey, Stephen. What did you need?" I smile at him. He leans an arm against the locker beside my head and my heartbeat thumps loudly in my chest.

"I wanted to know if you were busy this weekend? I was hoping to take you out somewhere," he smiles sheepishly.

I giggle and tell him I'm not busy, making his face light up. We exchange numbers so we can contact each other if needed. We sit together at lunch and we plan out how it's going to go. His friends just stay quiet, although they make faces at us. I laughed but Stephen flipped them off.

"Fuck you, Daniel."

Dan laughs and I can't help but laugh again, too. The bell rings and I let out a big, dramatic sigh. I was having so much fun I don't want to go back to class.

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