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(Y/n): your name

"Okay, I have to admit it. This is fun but why are we swimming at night? It's kind of cold," I inform Stephen, Dan, and my older brother.

"It's fun, if you get cold Stephen can hold you," Dan taunts. Hosuh and Daniel make kissing faces and smooching noises at the two of us. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I look to Stephen.

He's got a small blush but he gives me a smile nonetheless. His arm snakes around my waist, pulling me against his side.

"Shut up and get in the water, the night isn't going to waste itself," he rolls his eyes at the two of them. The two of thm run to the water and jump in.

"(Y/n), don't let that dick, Daniel bother you. I know Hosuh has good intentions and if he knew how it was affecting you he'd stop," Stephen fills me in on his thoughts.

I giggle and nod. Looking back at the water, I grab Stephen's hand and we run to the boys. We splash them when we jump in and they laugh.

Next thing I know I'm on Stephen's shoulders and Hosuh is on Daniel's, trying to push me off. I yelp when I almost fall backwards, grabbing Stephen's hands and regaining my balance.

"I almost got you!" Hosuh chuckled. I push him and nearly makes it, but he falls into the water, splashing Daniel. Stephen cheers and helps me down.

"Hell, yeah!" He laughs, giving me a quick kiss. I act like it doesn't phase me, wrapping my arms around him. Daniel teases me and Hosuh fan girls.

The night is still young but we pile out of the now freezing water, pulling towels over ourselves.

"Hey, where's my towel?" Daniel asks. I smile really big and glance at Stephen who's got the towel warmly around him.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me borrow your towel Daniel. You know me so well, thinking I'd forget mine," he laughs.

Hosuh and I giggle as the two of them bicker. My favorite brother offers a piggy back ride and I just couldn't refuse. Daniel and Stephen are now sharing a towel, they don't like it obviously, but they're cold.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think Stephen is cheating on me with Daniel," I fake scoff. Hosuh laughs and looks over at the two of them.

"Shut the fuck up, (Y/n). Don't even start with me, Hosuh!" Stephen shouts. The both of us laugh while the two of them scowl at us, enjoying our individual towels.

We shortly get back to the small cabin and we all shower to get all the gross water off of us. I go first because, well, everyone here is a gentleman and they said ladies first.

Maybe except for Stephen..

"I mean if you feel bad about showering first we can shower together. I don't care," he shrugs casually. I turn around hastily and give him a deer in the head lights look.

Daniel snorted and started laughing, on the other hand..a not so amused Hosuh glares a little.

"Nah, I think I'm good! Maybe another time!" I shout, closing the door.

"MaYbE aNoThEr TiMe?!" Hosuh shouts. "Have you done this before!"

"No, I was just joking and she probably said that in the heat of the moment!" Stephen yelped. I've got to admit, no one likes to see Hosuh mad. I can hear Dan laughing his arse off while they bicker.

"Shut up, Daniel!" They both shout.

I hop out of the shower and they are all bickering about a new topic now. I throw on a towel and slam open the door.

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