All of Them/Announcement

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Don't let the voices fool you. Their beautiful words persuade the darkest of minds. If you do as they say, then you'll never be able to escape, it's unlucky just to think about them.

"What's going on?" I mutter. I look around and see all of my friends, my only friends. Hosuh, Daniel, Stephen, Jo, and Jay. They all stopped whispering violently at each other when I broke the strange yet awkward atmosphere.

They all turned to me, their eyes on me making my heart want to give out. I feel that it's soon going to drown out all sound, it's all I'll be able to hear. They look at each other once more, asking without words who's going to explain this situation to me.

"Well, we've been talking and..we all like you. We cannot simply share you, that's not how it works, no does it my dear?" Jo asks in a cold tone. I feel sweat beads starting to form. Is that why we are here, I've never seen this place in my life. A white room with nothing inside it, but a chair they've demanded me to sit in.

"Don't I have a say in this? What if I don't think of any of you that way?" I question, fully knowing it's a lie. They all give the same, psychotic but at the same time, dreamy smile.

"That's a lie," they all stated in the same monotone voice. I want to scream at them for it, it's terrifying the shit out of me. First of all, I feel like I'm being held against my will.

Second, why do I like it??

"You don't know that, do not assume."

"Guys," Hosuh bites his lip. "I don't want to go through with this anymore. You all knew I couldn't do it and you were right."

They explain that it's too late and he has to stay. Hosuh manages to calm down, nodding a bit. I get a small gut feeling that we're either going to have a dance off, or they're going to stab me in the chest.

"Okay, funny guys, can we go now?"

I walk to the door and Jay blocks me from the entrance. I push him away and the lights go off. They all grab me and I scream, pushing and kicking at them.

"This isn't funny, your pranks are the worst let me go!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I take in cologne that I know all too well, Stephen's. I feel Hosuh's touch as he grabs my wrists. I hear Jay's breathing as he inhales and exhales roughly. Jo's calming words aren't so calming anymore and Daniel's hold on me isn't feeling as safe as his hugs once felt.

I fell for all of them, it was easy to see this coming. We all are driving each other crazy, that's what we liked. And this is what we do. That's fun, note my sarcasm. I slowly feel myself slipping from my conscious state.

I wake up tied to a chair in a pitch black room. I scream but my voice is gone and my throat aches. I can barely see the white cloth I'm wearing. The rope is oh so kindly tied around my wrists, tight enough that it won't break and loose enough that it doesn't hurt me.

Thank you, Hosuh.

I decide that I must be dreaming, I absolutely have to be. They aren't this way, crazy.

Over the course of a few weeks I get hourly visits from all of them. I tend to be bitchy but observant. They look tired, like they don't want to do this. But they do it anyway. Sometimes we play board games, sometimes I spit in their faces.

"Can you just let me go?" I mutter, tilting my head up a little, dragging my gaze from the ground to Jay's eyes. He says no almost immediately. I furrow my brows and restate my question. He once again denies it and I scream the same question.

Jay slaps a hand over my mouth and I wince. I bite his finger and he rips his arm away from me. I glare and he looks around the blank room. What's he looking for? It's just him and I.

"They might hear you."

For a second I thought I misheard, he was so quiet. I make it obvious that I'm trying to be loud, attract someone else's attention, someone who can help me.

"Who, Jay?"

"The voices. All of us heard them, if we back out, you'll die. Don't listen to them, scream. Do anything to ignore their words. If you hear them you'll be just like us."

The voices?

What the hell is he talking about?

THANK YOU FOR 1K, I might just cry.. This chapter is weird as heck, I must admit. I wasn't sure where I was even going with it. Just go with it, it's all I had and I wasn't going to post anything about my thank you's unless I posted a chapter.

Kay, love you, bye!

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