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Hogwarts Houses Part 5
Known for having members that are patient, fair, hard-working, and sometimes blandly nice. They are very easy to trust one blindly. But, if they lose trust in you, they won't ever trust you very easily again.

"Miss (y/n) and Hosuh seem to be having a good day," Professor McGonagall smiles over her shoulder as she walks past Hufflepuff table. Hosuh and I were giggling about my brother Ron had done the other night, I got a letter from my snowy owl and I ripped it open as soon as it was plopped onto my sandwich.

"He's such a goofball, I'm sure he'll do great things when he gets to Hogwarts," giggles Hosuh. I nod in agreement, slipping the letter into my pocket. After lunch we Gryffindors have Potions with the Hufflepuff class, which I'm glad I get to see Hosuh for twoish hours at a time.

Daniel is leaning over his cauldron, a bit too close. I feel that I have no need to inform him of that, he'll find out one way or another. His face is engulfed in bright green fiery smoke, making me snort. I stir mine carefully and attempt not to mess with my own potion.

Hosuh helps me with some ingredients and we both successfully make the potion. Snape walks over to observe what we have accomplished, he said it'd be one of the hardest to make and one of the easiest to screw up-but he used better wording.

After that Daniel, my older brothers, and I have Quidditch practice with Slytherin house. They are really competitive but I see it as a good way to accel in the matter, we are getting so much better. Daniel and I fantasize about being a part of a famous Quidditch team.

Madam Hooch silences all of us and we take to our warm ups. I can't help but high five Stephen as he flies past. Daniel gives me a look that tells me don't get friendly with the enemy. I think he's being dramatic so I just roll my eyes.

I get thrown off my broom and Jay barely makes it to me. His arm is wrapped tightly around my waist and I exhale sharply. I look up to him and he rolls his eyes this time. I give him a nervous smile, making him shake his head.

"Thanks, Jay!" I wave as he flies off.

"Don't thank me just yet!" He shouts back. I hop back on my broom and I'm off to practice again. After practice Fred and George speed up to me. They push me into a random room, of course they know about secret passages.

"Don't get friendly with Stephen and Jay. They're Slytherins, the enemy!" George and Fred finish each other's sentences. I push them away from me, giving them a glare as I fix my uniform.

"They've been my friends since before we were placed into our houses, you two of all people should know that. You're too competitive for your own good, blinding yourselves by hatred because of a game. It's rubbish!" I stomp the grass to emphasize my frustrations.

"You're blinded by friendship. Don't let it confuse you when they are the ones knocking you off your broom. (Y/n), you need to learn how Slytherins really are," they attempt to scold me.

"Listen you gits, they haven't done a thing. You're just putting them on a pedestal because you're in Gryffindor! Don't talk about my friends like that! Besides, I can't stay to chat long. I've got to meet with Hosuh to better our dueling."

I shove past them, slamming my shoulders into theirs. I go to Gryffindor common room, placing my things in their usual spots. I meet Hosuh on the training grounds and we begin.

He throws a defensive spell and I cast a sneak attack. We go at it, every spell getting more intense and difficult as we battle. Hosuh knocks me to the ground and I hit it a little too hard. I wake up in the hospital wing, slowly peeling open my eyes as they adjust to the blinding light.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake!"

Hosuh and my two brothers are hovering over me. I groan and sit up against my pillows. Fred and George ask a lot of questions based off side affects of the spell and how I feel about chocolate frogs or all flavored beans.

"I'm fine! Go away I don't need all this noise, and chocolate frogs," I whine. The two fiery haired boys sprint of the room, a bang as the door slammed shut. Hosuh bites his lip and turns to me, looking into my eyes with worry.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you because of me!"

"Hosuh-it's okay I-"

I didn't mean to use the spell that harshly I just wanted to impress you!"

"It's okay..wait wha-"

"I didn't mean to put you in the infirmary or use the spell against you so forcefully-I understand if you're angry with me for a while but I want you to know it wasn't on purpose, and I really like you!" Before he can continue I softly place a hand over this mouth.

"Hosuh!" I can't help but to giggle. "I already forgave you when I realized what happened. And don't fret..because I really fancy you, too.."

He has a big goofy smile and I embrace him, my strands of hair tangle with his over his shoulder. I let go but he pulls his face to mine. I can't help but close my eyes, and let it happen. I deserve a kiss after all, right?

I did "get hurt" and everyone knows kisses make everything better.

Sorry this took so long but it's here UwU


Thank you for waiting so patiently and thank you to the kind and inspiring words from others to keep me going. You know who you are and if you are unsure if it is in fact, you, then feel free to ask!

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