Jo and The Winchesters

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"Dean, Sam I don't want to be on the road all the time! I want to explore the new place before leaving," I whine, looking out the window. Castiel comforts me, but doesnt really understand my situation. He pats my head and looks out his window.

"So, what'd you find?" Dean asks Sam about the new creature, completely ignoring my plead.

"People say that it's a wild cat, but there are none around these parts. Not even close enough to aimlessly wander here. It's not the right size to be claimed as a dog or wild animal from around here. The witness said that the animal looked at what it did, then ran away without doing anything else."

Poor thing, I hope we find it soon. I think that creatures are misunderstood, but they say I'm just too young and naive to understand this life. We get to see the crime scene ourselves and I'll have to admit I wasn't ready to.

"It's definitely fishy."

"What if it were like, a werewolf or something?"

"(Y/n), it's not as..messy as a werewolf would be. And the heart isn't gone, so it couldn't possibly be."

I get told to look around at daisies like I wanted to..but that isn't what I meant. I walked around the small town a bit before stumbling upon some tracks. They look as if they're cat tracks, but they're huge! Maybe like a werecat? Those are a thing, since werewolves are, right?

We make it to a hotel, then going to a burger joint. Our waiter is a cute boy around my age with adorable freckles and glasses. He asks for our orders and Dean and I request bacon cheeseburgers with fries.

Castiel orders a regular cheeseburger, Sam a boring salad. Heart heathy nasty, boring food. I take a sip of my drink, finishing it so the boy can come back sooner.

"A little confident there, huh?" Sam chuckles. I giggle, my face turning red. I tuck a stand of hair behind my ear and continue pigging out. The boy does end up coming back, with a napkin with scribbles to be exact.

I smile and thank him for refilling my drink. He smiles shyly and nods. Dean gives me a pat on the shoulder and Castiel mentions that it was sweet for the boy to give me a note.

I say I have to use the bathroom so they don't read it, it may not be for them, only me. But that's wishful thinking isn't it? Maybe he's gay and wants to know which one of them is up for grabs.

I shuffle quickly to the women's bathroom and put down a seat in the stall, sitting on it I unfold the napkin gently and begin reading the nice handwriting:

I know you and three guys with you I've heard they're undercover hunters or something. I also know why they're here. I'm Jo, I've heard a lot about them from a pair of hunters who waltzed in drunk a while back. They fit the description well, Winchesters. One built like a body guard and one overconfident nice looking one, an angel by his side. Look, I have something to tell you but I can't do it here. Meet me outside of this place after my shift at 9 o'clock pm, tonight. I need your help. Send a nod if you understand me.

I walk out of the bathroom after skimming over the note a few more times. I make eye contact with Jo, giving him a nod. He smiles sweetly, returning the gesture. I take a seat and instead of my empty plate, a (favorite pie) is set in front of me. A small bite taken out of it.

"Dean, that isn't yours," I groan, although I have a hunch as to who dropped it by. It brings a smile to my face. It tastes amazing, it may be because of who gave it to me, or it's just really good.

• • •

Sam and Dean get ready for their hunt, hoping to find something. While they go looking for trouble with Castiel, I go looking for a boy with dark hair. After everyone left me I scurried out the door, praying that I don't run in to them tonight.

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