We be in the place

"Son of a bitch," You sit down at the table surprised when a plate and goblet appear in front of you. The food seems out of place in such a clean room, but you shrug your shoulders. You dig in, you can't say the last time you had a decent meal.

"Son of a bitch!" A familiar voice echoes through the room and you look up from your food. A broad shouldered, bow legged, weathered individual appears on the opposite side of the room. You stand from the table, the sound of the chair scraping against the floor makes Dean reach for a gun that isn't there.

"Hello Dean,"Your voice is quiet, your teeth gritted.

Damn like the K-Dot CD

They watch me like I'm on TV

Brought this shit back

But I ain't got receipts

Cookin' up Bobby Flay

When I'm on this beat yeah

Dean's eyes go flat and he glares at you.

"Trickster get you too?"You nod, flopping back in your chair.

"Alright you two,"The Trickster reappears looking way too happy. "You lovebirds either deal with the elephant in the room or you stay here forever. Your choice," He grins and snaps his fingers, disappearing in a poof of sparkles. Dean flops down opposite you and glares at the floor as though hoping it would swallow him.The tinny music coming from your still playing headphones changes.

It's getting late

I know you prolly wanna stay

It's complicated but

I'm in the mood to spill my brains to you

"The sooner we talk about it, the sooner this will be over.

"There isn't anything to talk about," Dean's stony gaze lifts from the floor and centers on you. That gaze hasn't changed and it still sends heat flooding through you even after all these years. "We broke up and nothing's changed since then." You grit your teeth and a snarl builds in your throat.

"Dean Michael Winchester you either get you head out of your ass and put away your petty man pride. Or we never get out of here." That seems to get his attention and his shoulders sag slightly.

"I never wanted us to break up you know. I just thought I was doing what's right."

"You always think you're doing what's right Dean. Always have and probably always will even when we're both in diapers and have grey hair."

If you ain't busy take a walk with me

We could get high and you could talk to me

I ain't been doing way too good lately

I'm losing signal in the hills

I'm having difficulties

"I still love you, you know." A scarce smile ghosted across his features and then it's gone. "Those feelings never went away no matter how much I wished they would." You look away from him.

"I never stopped loving you. Never have probably never will." Your chuckle is a forced one. The end of it strangles off as you force back tears. "I had bought an engagement ring you know. I was gonna ask you to marry me." You laugh again but it's one that's mixed with tears "And to think you ended our relationship over the end of the world. A pitiful thing." The sound of a scraping chair brings you out of your self-pity party.

Calling on my angels

It's getting darker and I'm starting to get anxious

Nobody told me I'd be lonely when I'm famous

The only number I haven't changed yet

Calling on my angels

Dean strides toward you. You look up at him puzzled. He pins you in the chair, putting his hands on both of the arm rests.

"Yes," He almost whispers it. You wrinkle your nose and he waits, impatiently, for you to figure it out. Your eyes go wide when you figure it out for yourself.

Pleasure and pain feel the same to me

I lost my faith but I still believe in something

Blood in my eyes made it hard to see

I went out searching for an angel

Then you came to me my darling.

"You'll be the best at domesticity. A good kitchen husband me thinks." Dean's laugh is loud and hearty. He leans down and kisses you, almost as if the two of you were sealing your vows right there and then.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now