Chapter 14

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Dick's POV
I watched as she morphed into a small dragon, her eyes were now a bright amber. "I don't mean to intrude, but we need to get going." Her voice encoded in my head. I approached her and her shadowy wings spread out behind her. With one swift movement her large claws lifted me into the air, and we were off. "Where do the train tracks lead? If I head straight there we should beat the train." Sapphire asked. "The next stop is Geneva, we can cut through the mountains." I said while pointing North. "Its to cold, you could get sick. And you just got your energy back." She argued. "I will be fine." I replied sternly. "I won't risk it Grayson! I just can't." She said as we picked up speed. "Sapphire, please. We need to get back to the team as soon as we can, even if I get sick again." I told her assuringly. The dragon's direction changed and we headed towards the mountains.

It grew could quickly with the cool wind agains my skin. I could feel my body shaking, trying to keep myself warm. The dragon adjusted its grip on me, holding me closer to its large scaly body. She was warm. We were soaring above the mountains and through the low clouds, when it started to snow, "This is my second time seeing this white stuff." She said with wonder in her voice. "It's snow, it happens when water molecules freeze in the air before falling towards the ground." I said answering her silent question. "It's beautiful." She said in awe. "Yeah." I said looking up at her. "I see the train!" She said suddenly, "You fly almost faster than the BioShip!" I realized after calculating the time and distance we flew. "I could have flew faster, but I didn't want to risk drooping you or letting you freeze in the hard and cold air." She said on approach, we make a steep dive for the train. She dropped me a couple feet above the train, I landed easily on my feet.

Sapphire's POV
My head was starting to spin to I quickly shifted back to my regular form. I landed on the train next to Dick, I looked him over to make sure we was alright and that I didn't hurt him. He looked fine, except his eyes widened suddenly. I followed his gaze, my wound had opened again and was soaking my suit again. "Let's get inside." He said taking my arm and guiding me back inside the train. "Megan?" I asked as we walked slowly down the hall. "Nightslash? Is Robin oaky? Is he with you?" She asked quickly not allowing me to get a word in. "He's fine, where are you?" I asked interrupting her questions. "We are all in the third bunker." She responded. "The others are in the third bunker." I said passing on the information. "Right." Robin said with incredible focus, I lifted my gaze from the floor to look at him. He was concentrating on our pace and not hurting me. I smiled and giggled, Dick looked up at me. "What?" He asked confused, "You." I replied with a slyly smile. He stared at me confusedly, "You take such good care of your teammates but don't let them return the favor. It's confusing to me, that's all." I said returning my gaze forward. "I guess I feel the obligated to protect and help my team, but feel like I don't deserve their help. I haven't been a very good leader lately, you and Megan could have died in that fire. And-" "And we didn't, you made the right call getting her out and leaving the parasite." I interrupted. We stopped outside the door.

"Your all right!" Megan said excitedly hugging Robin. I winced in pain for my arm was still slung around his neck, and was now caught in their hug. "You bleeding." Arrow said noticing my wound, blood still seeping through the suit. Robin sat me down next to Artemis. "Her wound keeps opening." Robin said handing me a cloth to apply pressure to the wound. I held it to my wound. "Now, lets get down to busyness." He said fidgeting with his suit, and pulled out a small plastic rectangle. "I picked Parasite's pocket, got this flash drive." He said holding it out, I looked at him and then closed my eyes. We both were suddenly in out uniforms like the others. He looked at me realizing what was happening, I opened my eyes. He looked away suddenly and inserted it onto the computer on his arm.

The computer hacked into the file, "Looks like Parasite is working for Intergang. Everything he's stolen is a piece of something, they're putting together a weapon that generates... black holes?" Robin said astonished. "Oh come on, to do that you would need a Particle Generator." Redarrow said and I joined in on the last part. "Like the large bronze collider in Geneva?" Robin said, "The circus's next stop. But now the Parasite can fly so he has a big head start on us." Arrow added. "Sorry." Megan said quietly as she looked down at the ground. "Not your fault. But this thing could wipeout entire city's. We need to hurry." Robin said as he stood up. "You and I need to hurry, without powers the others will hold us back." Arrow said pulling out his backup bow. "Hey! Your not the only one with a backup bow." Artemis said pulling out hers. Superboy slammed his fist into the wall, " My powers are back." He said ruffly. "How?" Robin asked, "I'm still-" Megan started. " I guess Kyriptoneons recover faster than humans or Martians." Superboy replied. I looked at the floor realizing the truth. "Don't even think about leaving me behind." Megan said standing up. "Me either." I said standing up ignoring the pain pulsing in my side. Redarrow glared at us.

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