Chapter 3

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It had been weeks since my incounter with Batman. Since then I have been living life as a visual anti. The life of fighting crime is exciting, you never know what's going to happen. I decided to keep the male look while fighting crime, that way I look more intimidating. It also keeps my identify hidden well. I started to attend highschool since I was a teenager. High school was different, but it gave me something to do during the day. The classes here are not very hard since the human races is still developing. I could graduate early if I wanted to. I decided to join the cheer team, the group of girls seemed on be like the leaders at the school. Being a outcast most of my life I wanted to be on top for once. I am the main flyer since I'm short, and according to Betty (cheer captain) I'm easy on the eyes. Whatever that means.

It was October 16th, so it was cooler weather. And I wasn't used to it, I had just gotten back to school after lunch break had ended. I was walking down the hall to my next class, when a boy with red hair crashed into me. He dropped his books, papers went flying through the air. I put down my books and helped him gather his books. "Sorry." He said picking up papers, "I'm late for class, and I just transferred here today." He said blushing a little. "Now we're both late." I said giggling while handing him his books. "Ya, I guess we are. Sorry again, I really didn't mean to crash into you." She said as we stood up. "It's okay, Wally." I smiled. " How did you know my name?" He asked, "It's on your schedule." I pointed out. He looked down at his papers, "Oh. Umm... do you happen to know where room 368 is?" He asked. "Yes, I was heading to room 367 before I ran into you." I laughed. "I was headed in the wrong direction!" He facepalmed his hand to his face. "Yes." I laughed, talking his arm. We hurried down the hallway to our classes. "See you around Wally." I said waving while stepping into my class.

The bell rang, I packed up and headed out the door. I waved goodbye to the rest of the cheerleaders, while pushing open the doors headed outside. Wally was already out side. I started to walk towards him, but stopped when I noticed he was talking to a boy. A short boy with black hair a intelligent blue eyes, He looked familiar. I continued to walk trying to avoid the two boys attention. "Hey!" Wally called out, he jogged over towards me. "Hey Wally, nice to se-" he grabbed my arm and pulled me over to his friend. "This is my best friend Dick Grayson." He smiled. I knew it, the young boy was Robin. "Dick, this is... umm... I didn't catch your name hot stuff." He said looking at me sideways. " Oh, how rude of me. I'm Sapphire." I blushed while extending my hand to Dick. He took it, shaking it kindly. When we let go Wally wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Shall I walk you home Babe?" He asked. I looked at him sideways, noticing from the corner my eye that Dick was annoyed. He rolled his eyes at Wally and shoved his hands into his pockets. "No thanks, Wally. I'm fine to walk home by myself." I said grabbing his hand and removing it from my shoulder. I stepped away smiling: "I have to go, bye guys." I said while waving and stepping into a light jog.

Dick's POV.
We watched her jog away, her soft blond hair bouncing along. Their was something familiar about her but I can't figure it out. "What?" Wally asked, "Nothing." I said quickly. Alfred pulled up behind us. "Good day master Dick, ready to head home?" He asked while opening the side door. "Yes, Alfred. We are also dropping Wally off on our way." I said climbing into the car. Wally jumped in next to me smiling, "So, what did you think about Sapphire?" He beamed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, she's kind, good looking, also 15." He said with a stupid grin on his face, and obviously thinking about Sapphire. "She's fine I guess, but we really need to focus on the team right now. We don't have time for relationships." I responded. Wally looked at me confused, "What's got your bat-a-rangs in a twist?" "Nothing Wally, I just-" "We have arrived."  Alfred said, cutting me off. "Well I better get going, bye. Thanks for the ride Alfred ." He said climbing out of the car. He smiled one last time before closing the door.

After getting home I went down to the Bat cave to do some training. I was practicing my Tkachev Salto ( gymnastic move) when Bruce walked in. I jumped off the bars landing in a crouch. "Do you still want to transfer to Gotham High? It's a big school and everyone will be older than you. And-" " I know, I'm just tired of being home all the time. Not being able to talk to anyone." I said cutting him off before he could say something to change my mind. Bruce stood there starring at me with no expression on his face. "Fine, you will be transferred there next semester." He said like it was nothing, he turned and left the room. I followed him out. He sat down at the Bat-computer, looking at some information about a man. He goes by the name Nightslash, he wears a black suit with blue lines above the shoulders, and a hood. He also wears a mask so we can't see his face. He looks to be about the age of 17. So far the guy has just been doing our dirty work for us. He always seems to know where the action is, he always beats us to the action. It's like he knows the future, where and when something is going to happen.

"Humm..." Bruce said, resting his head in his hand. "Hey, look at all the video timestamps." I said noticing they had something in common. "Ya, what about them." Bruce said removing his head from his hand. " They all take place after dark but before midnight." I said walking closer to the screens. Bruce sat there in silence for a moment, "Except this one." he said while zooming in on a video. The video showed Nightslash taking down some robbers, but almost exactly when the clock hit 12 his body seemed to tremble. "What do you suppose would cause him to tremble like that?" I asked Bruce. "I'm not sure, we need to some experimenting," he replied. "Like what? What are you going to prove?" I said while Bruce walked to the evaluator, " We suit up at 11:00." He said, the doors closed.

Sapphire POV.
I waited on top of a building in a low crouching position. Robbers should be here any minute, and so should Batman and Robin. Two men entered the jewelry store warring masks. That's my cue. I dropped through the skylight landing on top of one of them, flattening him on his stomach. " A little late for shopping boys?" I said while stepping off of the man. The other guy pointed his gun at me, his hands trembled a little. The other rolled onto his back, panting. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." The man fired the gun, the gun however was pointing to the sky not at me. There was a grappling hook around it pulling it up ward. My other guests had arrived. "Hello, gentleman." I said without looking up. The two of them dropped down behind me. "I will be with you in a second." I said while approaching the still standing robber. He dropped the gun and raised his hands. "Have a seat next to your friend over there." I said while nodding over to his partner, who still was sitting on the ground for some reason. The two of them sat there while I used my Telekinesis to tie them up with a rope.

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