Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/n Long time no see. 

Archie POV

"Alright weirdo" She laughed. "I'm starving, let's eat."

"Sounds good to me." I laughed back.

We got out of the car and walked towards the door.

"Hey Pop." Betty and I said in unison.

"Hey kids. What'll it be?"

"Usual would be great" I said.

Betty starting looking around the dinner. When she started walking to our usual booth I panicked.

All of the sudden I ran in front of her.

"What are doing Arch?" 

My heart was racing. I was trying my best to hold in my panic but, sadly, I'm transparent.

"Uhhhhh..." I stalled. "I just thought we could sit on the other side of the diner."


"Archie, why would we sit on the other side of the diner?" she rightfully questioned.

"No reason. It's just we always sit over here so I thought why not go sit on the other side."

Well that definitely didn't sound suspicious.

"What's going on Archie? You're being really weird."

Shit, how do I save this?

"Uhh... ok let's sit in the usual booth, but you sit on the right."

"Sounds good." she laughed.

I'm thankful she decided to drop it.

We slid into the booth as a waitress brought over two waters.

"Thank you." she said.

I was bouncing my leg under the table.

I couldn't help being jittery. I was literally hiding a human being from her that was sitting 20 feet away.

"Arch, seriously, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing Betty. I just didn't sleep well."

It's true. I didn't sleep well. I hadn't since that night with Jughead.


"Betts, it's nothing. Please just drop it."

"Fine. I'm just going to wash my hands."

I had a momentary lapse of relief until I realized if she didn't see him on her way there, he would see her.

I never thought a short walk to the bathroom would fuck up our whole morning.

A/n I know this chapter was kinda boring.  The next chapter will be more juicy.  Also this has nothing to do with the story but I just finished rewatching The Wolf of Wall Street and can I just say: that movie is sad asf.  Vry Vry good but Vry Vry sad. 

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