Chapter Thirteen

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A/n This chapter is taking place after Chapter 13 where Archie said if Jughead wants his help he needs to tell him the whole story. It is basically going to get into how he met Toni and such.

Jughead POV

He was right.  If I wanted his help I would have to tell him the whole story. 

"Ok Arch..." I began.  "I'll start from when I first met Toni."

*Flashback to three months ago*

I had just gotten out of a lengthy meeting with my publishers. I was supposed to go home for the next few days to visit with Juliet and Betty. I decided I would spend the night in the city instead, since I didn't feel like falling asleep at the wheel and crashing.

Before I left the building I asked if there were any bars close by.  I needed a drink after the day I had. 

The man at the front desk referred me to a small bar. He told me it was around a five minute walk from where I was. This was fine by me because I had barely left this building once the entire day and needed to get some form of exercise.

When I opened the door I walked into a room that featured: four small tables, a pool table and a long bar. 

The place was pretty much empty except for a few men playing a game of pool.  I decided to pull up a stool on the other side of the bar, as to not disturb their game.

When I looked up I met the eye line of the bartender.  She was wearing black ripped jeans (that fit her hips perfect), a black crop top and converse.  To accompany this look she had long pink hair.  I would define her as someone who is extremely hot.

She broke me out of my dirty thoughts by asking, "So what can I get you?"

Honestly, I wanted her.  I'd been staying in the city a while now so visits with Betty were very minimal.

I replied by say, "Uhhhh...  I'm not sure.  What would you recommend gorgeous?"

She blushed a little at the comment and replied, "Can't go wrong with whiskey"

I laughed a little then said, "Sounds good."

She turned around to grab the bottle.

When she returned to where I was seated, she began to pour the drink into a spotless glass.

"So what is a handsome gentleman like you doing here on a night like this?" she questioned.

"What makes tonight different than others?"

"I'm not sure.  I guess I've never seen anyone in the Monday crowd this attractive."  She said with a small giggle and a sweet smile. 

After a couple more drinks she joined me on the other side of the bar.

We talked for hours... She told me how she was saving up money so she could go to school for her photography and I told her about how I was working on my new book here in the city.

The more we talked the more physical we got.  It just started with a few playful nudges then became a heavy make out session.

Once we parted long enough for me to take a breath I asked, "Do you want to continue this back at my place?"

She bit her lip and nodded.

Once we had reached my apartment the heated make out session started again, only this time we were discarding our clothes making a trail to the bedroom. 

By the time we were on my bed everything had been taken off.

(Y'all understand what happened next)

*Present time*

Archie looked like he was in shock.  I was legitimately worried that he wasn't breathing.

"Archie?" I said.  "Are you still with me?"

He looked directly into my eyes with a deadly glare.

"How could you do that Jughead?  How long has this been going on?"

I responded with a flat, "Three months"

Archie POV

"Archie?" he said.  "Are you still with me?"

I shot him a deadly glare.  The way he told the story made him appear as an entirely different person.  How could he do something so destructive, so easily?  The way he was speaking showed a lack of interest in the entire topic, like what he did meant nothing.   

"How could you do that Jughead?  How long has this been going on?"

He responded with a flat, "Three months"


Who the hell this person I'm talking to?  I could never picture Jughead doing something so sick; especially to the woman he loves.

He looked at me with a blank expression and said "Yep." 

'Yep' is he fucking serious?  I swear to God it took everything in me to not punch him directly in the face.  When did he become such a terrible person?

I honestly didn't know my choice of action at this point.

A/n Next chapter is going to be taking place right after this one but it will be Jugheads POV.

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