Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/n Basically how Jughead ended up t Pop's.

Jughead POV

I woke up from a hard sleep

When I went to reach for my phone I heard an empty bottle drop off the couch which I hadn't remembered finishing.

"4:00am..." I rolled onto my back. "Oh for fucks sake."

I picked the empty bottle up and threw it at the wall.

There was no way I was staying in this house a second longer. I decided to go to the one place in Riverdale that's open 24 hours a day.

I slowly stood up making sure I wouldn't fall over. I stumbled over the door and decided to grab the keys to my motorcycle.

Ever since Betty got pregnant with Juliet she wanted me to stop riding it. She said it was too dangerous and she didn't know what they would do without me. Guess that doesn't matter anymore.

I walked into the garage where it had been lying dormant.

I took a deep breath and got on. As I turned the keys I heard the familiar roar of its engine. God I missed that.

I pulled out into the driveway then shut the garage door.

"Alright." I said to myself.

The second I took off into the night all the feelings of freedom flooded back into me. I had forgotten how good this felt.

After a few minutes I pulled up to Pop's. I parked my bike by the front door then walked into the almost empty diner.

My eyes roamed around and landed on the booth I was sitting in last time I was here. The last time I saw my daughter.

I couldn't sit there right now so I decided to grab a corner booth.

"Hey Jug"

I looked up to meet the eye line of the one and only Pop Tate. He was hold a notepad and a pencil.

"Hey Pop" I said looking at the table.

I'd known Pop a long time, pretty much my whole life, so he could see right through me.

He sat on the other side of the booth and asked, "What's wrong Jughead?"

I sighed, "I messed up Pop, and I'm not sure I can fix it."

"Does this have something to do with Betty?"

He always knew.

"Yeah, it does. I did something unforgivable and I think I just lost my family."

He gave a sympathetic sigh.

"I don't know what you did, but I do know you and Betty are in it for the long haul. Don't give up." He then got up and turned to say one more thing. "The usual?"

"Sounds great."

For the first time in a while I gave a genuine smile because, even though the rest of my life was falling apart, I would always have Pop's.

A/n Next chapter starts Betty POV.

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