Chapter Twenty

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A/n I'm back! Sorry it has taken so long for an update but I have been focusing on my philosophy class even though it ended up meaning nothing in the end. Yep Yep Yep. That is correct. I fucking failed my class cause this dude gave me a 53% on my essay that I worked hella hard on.  In my opinion that is complete BS.  Why tf does he have to go as far as a 53%.  At least I turned it in on time.  Like 1/3 of the class turned it in late and faced zero consequences on their grading. I repeat B U L L S H I T.  I followed the instructions and was way beyond the word minimum.  And why does he give me a 53? CAUSE HE SAID I WENT INTO A DIFFERENT TOPIC IN ONE OF MY PARAGRAPHS AND ANOTHER PARAGRAPH SHOULD HAVE HAD MORE INFORMATION IN IT.  If y'all couldn't tell by now, I am extremely pissed.  Sorry for the rant but I fr feel like I'm going to explode.  I asked if I could have an incomplete and retake the class instead of having a F on my record and he just said, "I'm not sure it would be any different if you retook it but I'll think about it."  I'm so fucking done.  I fucking tried to be there as much as possible but my health issues have been really bad lately and he got pissed about that even though I told him what was going on and why I was gone.  I'm going to cry now.

 Veronica POV

"Fuck you Veronica." Is the last thing I hear before the line goes dead.

Truthfully, that's the reaction I expected.

It's not every day your wife's best friend calls you up just to say, 'stay the fuck away from your family'.

I think most people would feel bad in this type of situation, but I didn't. Jughead was a douche canoe and deserved every mean thing I said about him.

"What did he say?" Archie asked.

"Let's just say he wasn't pleased to hear my voice."

Archie POV

"Let's just say he wasn't pleased to hear my voice."

I didn't expect he would be. He has never been very good at taking criticism, especially from someone he doesn't like.

I'm not positive what Veronica was trying to accomplish by doing this. Jughead was extremely hard headed and would never take any sort of advice from someone he hates. I know it sounds bad saying he hates my girlfriend, but it was pretty obvious. They had never gotten along.

"How did he sound?"

I know I shouldn't care how he feels, but we've been friends our entire lives. That was hard to throw away in two days.

"Why should that matter? He's in the wrong and should be feeling like the piece of shit he is." I think she could tell her little outburst made me uncomfortable. "Archie... I'm sorry that I'm being harsh, but he broke our best friend's heart. Betty has always been there for us. Jughead has been there when it was convenient for him."

She was right. Betty would be there for you whenever you needed someone. She was always the shoulder to cry on or the one to share your feelings with when no one else would understand.

I couldn't remember the last time Jughead did something like that.

"No... You're right Veronica." It hurt to admit it. "I understand why I need to cut off our friendship."

She brought me into a hug. Once she let go she had an apologetic smile.

"I love you Archie. I'm so happy I was able to find someone as amazing as you."

Even though I had lost my friendship with Jughead, I knew I would always have Veronica and as long as I had her I would have a home.

"I love you too."

A/n  I know this was the shortest chapter ever.  I'm going to write a longer one right now but I wanted to post something for the time being.  Also 20th chapter!!! 

Sorry for the rant at the beginning but I was extremely angry when I wrote it.

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