Chapter Five

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A/n This is taking place right after Betty read the letter.

*still in flashback*

Betty POV

I dial the only number that can come to me off the top of my head other than Jug's.

(Phone Call)

V- "Hello this is Veronica"

I try force words out but I have lost the ability to breathe.

V- "Betty? Is that you?"

All I can reply with is sobs.

V- "B, what's wrong?!"

Say says with panic in her voice.

Before I can reply say says,

V- "Stay put B, I'm coming over"

(End of call)

[15 minutes later]

I'm sitting on the couch when I hear Veronica unlocking the door with her key. The second she looks over at me she knows something is very wrong. She approaches me slowly, as if she doesn't want to scare me, and sits down right next to me as I put my head on her shoulder.

"B, can you tell me what happened?" I try to get up the courage to tell her what happened.

Veronicas POV

After Betty tells me everything that happened I have the extreme urge to beat Jughead's face in.

How could anyone ever do or say anything like that to my B? She is the kindest person on this planet and the fact that someone could have the audacity to do anything remotely like this is sick. As I look down at her I can see all the pain she is in. She loves her family more than anything else on this planet and he thinks he can just ditch her for some floozy in New York.

"B... I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You deserve better than him."

She began to lift her head up to look at me. When our eyes met I saw pure sorrow in them. The man that she would die for was planning on leaving her for some ten cent Trollip.

"Betty" I said softly "What are you going to?"

She looked at me again and whispered "about what?"

"Betty, I don't mean to overstep but, you need to say something to Jughead. He doesn't deserve you. I know you love him but he is not worth all of this pain anymore and I think it would be better to just cut him off."

Her pure sadness turned into understanding as she slowly nodded.

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