Chapter Eleven

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A/n Hello! Long time no see.  As I said in the last 'A/n' this chapter is going to be continuing from the last chapter.

Jughead POV

I was awoken from my thoughts by a knock on the front door.

I forced myself to roll out of bed making sure not to spill my drink that I hadn't remembered pouring. After stumbling around a bit, I finally made it to the staircase, where I continued to take such heavy steps it probably sounded like I was moving furniture.

By the time I made it to the door handle, I had lost all sense of direction and emotion. I felt like I was just stuck in a nightmare.

I turned the handle and yanked the door open so fast I'm surprised it didn't leave a hole in the wall.

I met the eye line of a worried Archie. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

I broke the momentary silence by saying, "What are you waiting for? Come in."

I walked over and sat on the part of the couch closest to our fireplace. I think he got the message because he came over and sat next to me.

"Why'd you call me to come over Jug?" I didn't look away from the small amount of fire that remained burning. "Jug what's wrong? Why am I here?"

I gave a deep sigh and said, "Betty left me."

Betty left me. Betty really left me.

I turned around and saw a shocked Archie. I guess that sort of reaction is justified in a predicament like this one. Archie, Betty and I had been together so long. A broken up bughead would really cause a rift in all of our friendships.

After a minute of contemplating what I just said he responds with, "Why would she do that?"

I couldn't really find a way to tell him the truth without making myself look like the guilty party. But at this point I felt I had nothing more to lose.

After taking a large breath, I looked back at the fire. I felt like it would be easier to tell him what happened if there was no eye contact involved.

"To sum it all up, I cheated on Betty."

Archie POV

"Betty left me."

I was in shock. I could never imagine Betty leaving Jughead. Jughead must have fucked up really bad for her to walk out on the love of her life.

After I let it sink in a little I countered back by saying, "Why would she do that?"

He focused back on the fire and said, "To sum it all up, I cheated on Betty."

Jughead cheated on Betty? How could Jughead ever cheat on Betty?

"Why the hell would you do that?"

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW." He yelled back at me. "I was fucking bored. I had never been with anyone besides Betty since high school. We got married and had a kid soon after we graduated. I never got to live out that part of my life where I could be with other people and I was curious."

He was curious? Is that supposed to be an excuse for hurting one of our best friends since childhood? What did he expect to hear from me after saying all of that?

"You were curious? Is that supposed to be an excuse? I thought you love Betty."

I was cut off by him exclaiming back to me, "OF COURSE I FUCKING LOVE BETTY. IT WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE."

"HOW CAN FUCKING ANOTHER WOMAN BE A MISTAKE JUGHEAD?" I snapped back. I was done with his bullshit. He can't go through his entire life not taking any credit for his mistakes.

He was taken aback by my comment. I took this as proof that he hadn't been confronted often until this day. I'm sure he wasn't receiving the feedback that he wanted from me, but I didn't care. I'm going to take the side that I believe is morally right, and he wasn't right in the slightest.

Jughead POV


He was pissed, and honestly, I didn't blame him. Even though we were like brothers, Betty was like a sister to him and that meant even more. He was right though. You can't really cheat on someone by accident.

Once we both calmed down I started by saying, "I'm sorry Arch, I didn't mean to put you in the middle of a situation like this. I really had no one else to call."

His eyes softened into a look of remorse.

"Listen Jughead..." he started slowly, "What you did wasn't okay and I can understand why she left."

"Geez Arch thanks for that."

"Jug you didn't let me finish..." he said. "Even though you did a massive screw up, I don't want this to be the end of you two. I know you love her, and Juliet, and I also know they love you." I really hoped that was still true. He continued by saying, "If you really want me to help you with this you have to tell me the full story."

A/n So the next chapter is going to be in Betty's POV right after she left the house.  I was thinking of starting the next "Jarchie POV" chapter (Where he's explaining what happened with Betty) from when he first met Toni. Yes or no? 

If you didn't see the A/n in the last chapter, I changed 'Haley' into 'Toni'.

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