Chapter Seventeen

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A/n I'm back.

Veronica POV

"B! B! B! Earth to B!"

It was like she was trapped so deep in her thoughts; she had become unaware to every physical object around her.

Once she had snapped out of it, she just looked up at me with worry in her eyes and said, "I need to go..."

I followed directly behind her into the bathroom where she preceded to throw up.

I pulled her hair out of her face so she wouldn't get puke in it.

Seeing her like this gave me an uneasy feeling. The last time she got this sick, she was pregnant with Juliet.

When she finished she muttered under her breath, "Shit."

'Shit' was right. 

"Do you need anything B?" I said calmly as possible in a situation like this.

She turned her head towards me and said, "I think you know what I need."

She was right, I did. 

I rubbed her back a little then said, "Ok B... I'll be back soon."

She gave me a sarcastic thumbs up then returned to the toilet bowl.

*Flash forward to the store*

As I approached the aisle that had the pregnancy tests I had a severe sense of Déjà vu.

Last time I was here, it was with Betty.  Of course, the circumstances were a tad different from the first time we were hanging out in this aisle.  This was, most likely, due to the fact that we were excited about it back then. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my niece to death, but I'm not sure another Jones baby is what the world needs right now.  I'll support Betty on any decision she wants to make, but my biggest fear is that it's going to make her jump directly back into Jughead Jones' manipulative arms. 

The last thing she needs right now is to go back to him.

I take a deep breath and grab the closest one to me.

While exiting the aisle I saw none other than Jughead.

I'm not surprised he's hanging out in the liquor aisle.  I knew he would turn to alcohol, Toni or both after last night's events. 

He was never able to handle his emotions in a healthy way. 

I scoffed at him before I headed to the register.

Jughead POV

By the time morning had come, I had run out of liquor.

I rolled off the couch causing me to land face first on the floor.

I didn't intend on spending the day sober.  I grabbed my keys and wallet then made my way to the door.

As I was in the car I replayed all the events from last night.  Not only had I lost Betty, I'd lost Juliet.  Then I reminded myself that Archie might have been added to that list of casualties as of yesterday.

I'm such a screw up.

When I walked into the drugstore I saw none other than Veronica Cecilia Lodge.  Terrific.  Her face is that last one I want to see at the moment.

I decided I would walk as fast as I could to the liquor aisle.  I really didn't need to be yelled at any more than I already had the last twenty four hours.

Lucky for me, whatever she's looking at is directly in my path.

I don't intend to leave this store empty handed.  I'm just going to keep my head down and hope she doesn't see me. 

As I was going past her I tried to see what she was looking at.

Pregnancy tests?  Is it possible that Veronica is currently pregnant with Archie's baby?  I mean knowing them, I wouldn't be surprised. 

I may strongly dislike Veronica, but I was happy for them.  Archie has always wanted a kid.  He would make a great father.

I'm staring at all of the different brands of alcohol when I hear a scoff come from a row away

I was met with an irritated Veronica who proceeded to strut to the cash register. 

She was always so extra about everything.  Her clothes, language, walk.  If it wasn't for Betty and Archie, I would have actively shunned her.

Once she had left, I took two bottles of whiskey to the counter.

"Will that be all for you today?"

I focused my attention onto the man behind the counter.

"Yes, that will be all." I said in a mocking tone.

He rolled his eyes then preceded to hand me my change.  I didn't mean to act like a dick to a total stranger, but I was ticked off. 

When I was back in my car, I just screamed.

How the hell did I get here?  I had become my father.

A/n Sorry if the timeline was confusing. It's 1:14 AM and I'm extremely tired. I'm writing another chapter right now but it probably won't be out for a day or two.

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