Seiba Note, 1st army commander...

Bijon: I have to say I am intrigued as well.

Bijon: I have to say I am intrigued as well

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Bijon Sen, 2nd army commander....

Chikara: It better be important.

Chikara Nashi, 6th army commander

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Chikara Nashi, 6th army commander...

Stain: We won't know if you don't let him talk.

Hero Killer Stain,5th army/elite unit commander...

Izuku: Thank you, Stain, now I gathered you here because of my next plan, and what I need to know is if I will have your full support...


Chikara: I am on board.

Bijon: Me too.

Seiba: WHAT? WHY?!

Bijon: I don't really care about it.

Stain: It might be difficult for me to accept it, but if that is what you deem reasonable, then I will do it.

Seiba: You can't be serious.

Izuku: What is your problem Seiba?

Seiba: Well, I am on board with the initial phases, but I can't accept the last one.

Izuku: Oh? And what are you going to do?

Seiba:... This...

At that moment, Seiba dashed against Izuku at incredible speed, trying to slash his head off. However, he managed to dodge the blades, but still, Seiba landed a kick on him and pushed him back.

The other commander where about to intervene, but Izuku signaled them to stop.

Izuku: Okay, then, let's settle this.

Izuku took a blade from his back and took a stance.

Izuku: Let's go.

They went at each other and clashed their blades, exchanging rapid blows between them.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now