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Kartik Aaryan pov :

From Diwali time I couldn't see Sara at all. I was with my ppaw team. She was only seen in her Pilates class other wise she is busy. Me on the other hand was doing ppaw promotions because it's my co star birthday month and why not. As Sara said people stopped speaking about sartik and they even stopped calling me sartik. It really hurts. I could  feel that everyone suddenly stopped loving me .

I wanted to shout to the whole world that I will leave leave my princess nor break her heart and we are together but I couldn't shout.

I wanted to hang with my co star and show we have the best friendship in the world as there was a article released saying we are not on talking terms and that's not good for a movie nor a health space for us while promoting . So I was working on that.

I know about my princess but it feels like every day I am with ppaw team I am losing her for good.

I was so disturbed today when I saw Sara having fun with Rohit sir in the sets of Manish Paul. She was so cute and funny.

I envy the bond she has with Varun, Ranveer, Rohit sir as they express their feelings towards each other. Wish we were like that but that's reality.

I came home at 11 and went to my room without disturbing anyone. I opened my room and was shocked to see Sara lying in my bed and sleeping peacefully.

"Kartik " I heard my mom voice.

"Mom, tell me something am I dreaming or really Sara is there." I asked.

"Of course she is there you idiot. She waited for you very long and slept with eating." My mom said.

"What ?? Mom how could you do this to me ?? You could have called me right ?? She can't sleep without eating she is already in diet and she cannot be without eating."

"Kartik stop." My mom yelled to stop me speaking.

"I called you twice and you didn't pick up and where were you so long." She asked.

"Funny you asked I was thinking of how Sara is drifting from me and here she is in my home." I laughed thinking about it.

"You two are going to make me and Amrita mam mad, I am so sure of that Kartik and what a love story is this kOki , you both love each other and suffer thinking other one doesn't love you back." My mom said with a straight face.

First I thought she was teasing but she was very serious.

"Sorry mom." I said Hugging her. "Wait let me wake her up."

I went and sat near my princess. "Hey princess, wake up . " I said but no response. "Sara it's Kartik, your Kartik wake up we will have dinner together " I said still she didn't wake up. "Sara, babu..." I said but she turned another side and slept.

"See mom this is what I am telling, if she heard Kartik she will be up but now even my name has no value in her life. I guess I took it for granted but when it's no more it's hurting you know." I said.

"Okay koki, stop it it's going to be fine. Did you eat ?? " she asked me.

"No" I said.

"Come here." She pulled me towards the dinner table. " first you have something and then let's make Sara have her dinner."

"Mom why is she sleeping here ?? And what happened??" I asked.

"Oh that she called me in the morning telling that she needed to meet me . We meet at the temple and after Pooja she said we can go  to lunch but I pulled her to our house. We had lunch and she was silent the whole day. So me and your papa asked what's wrong Sara you are so silent she started to cry. "

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