Heart Shakes, Bend and Breaks

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Was he obvious that day, about how head over heels he was? He groaned softly and went to the garage to grab his skateboard. He needed an outlet, to get out of this house for awhile and clear his thoughts. Erik was, as always, needing a distraction. Needing some way to forget he was so different from everyone else in a town where individuality means trouble. He just wanted to keep his head down but even then trouble found its way to him.
Erik was a tall and scrawny looking boy but despite this he could throw a hefty punch. His height gave him an advantage over the neighborhood bullies that teased him over his religion or looks. Whatever they chose to prod at on that particular day. Erik wasn't bothered by it because if they were harboring him that meant it was a rare occasion that Charlie was being left alone. Because if they were focused on the Jewish misfit then that means Charlie could breathe. Erik wished he could breathe but he's been holding this subconscious breath for the longest time. Years if he thinks about it. The only time he ever felt calm was when Charlie was with him. Something about his soft yet stern nature made Erik feel lighter.
"Be careful!" He heard his mother call from behind him.
"I'm always careful!" He assured as he left his home and glided down the streets. It was a beautiful day and he knew all his friends were probably hungover and not enjoying it. Music blared in his ears as he made his way in no particular direction. Raven had made him a playlist a couple weeks ago and sent it to him for when he was in a 'mood'. It wasn't half bad, Raven had taste. Taste that had gotten significantly better ever since she started dating Marina. In the end he was just grateful to have the lack of white noise. Erik hummed as he passed a few people as he made it closer to town. He high fived a few kids with a smile. Erik was feeling more relaxed, slowed down to check the time. With a grin he changed directions towards the old ice cream shop where a boy with fire red curls was sure to be working.
A foot hit Erik's back full force. With a huff he flew forward and landed on the hot concrete. He felt his skin scrape uncomfortably and he saw small specks of blood appear.
"What the hell?" Erik turned his face heated from his anger. His eyes met those of Jacob Westbrook, Luke Jones and Victor Duke. The trio of assholes who go out looking for kids to pick on. They were all, as Charlie put it, 'homophobic, racist douchebags with a bad sense of fashion and no self dignity or pride. Overall sleazeballs.'
"What was that?" Jacob stepped forward maliciously. His dark eyes searching Erik's light ones. Erik didn't want to show any fear, he wanted to be irresistibly confident like one boy he knew.
"You can't just shove me off my boa—" the punch was swift and rattled Erik's whole body. He fell backwards in shock before seeing red. Maybe it was the fact that he needed some peace for once or the boy on his mind but Erik curled his fists. With force he wasn't even sure he had, he threw a punch that clocked Jacob in the jaw. It an instant he was on the ground.
"Oh shit," Erik whispered as adrenaline pumped through his veins. He looked at Luke and Victor who were shocked. Victor checked on an unconscious Jacob while Luke charged. Luke Jones was a rather hefty boy who was on the high school wrestling team. Erik knew he was toast.
"Come on big boy," Erik spat with his last sliver of snark before getting his world rocked. He put up a fight but before he knew it he was on the ground being kicked and punched like a rag doll. He tried to leave his body to retreat into his mind where he could be comfortable in his own thoughts. Where Charlie resides.
"Come on idiot," Victor said as they grabbed Jacob and left Erik bleeding and broken in an alley.
Erik wasn't sure how long he was on the concrete but when he came to again it was starting to get dark out. He took a breath and hissed when it shot pain through his chest. He knew he was a wreck and wouldn't be able to make it home. He leaned against a brick wall and took out his phone with his bloody fingers. He couldn't call his mom she would worry too much and his dad wasn't even an option. When he clicked his phone on he saw missed calls by both Charlie and Raven. A few texts questioning whether or not he's okay repeat down his notifications. Erik smirked in pain as he dialed the number.
"What the hell?! I've been worried sick! Where are you?" Charlie's voice boomed through the speaker.
"Calm down, I'm by Mulberry can you come get me? And please don't freak out," Erik spoke trying to sound normal.
"Are you okay? Shit Erik you're going to be the death of me one day. I'm on my way," Charlie promised and Erik chuckled spitting out blood.
"Gotta keep you on your toes, darling. See you in a bit," Erik hung up and coughed out blood. He was starting to feel it all. He knew he had bruised if not broken ribs. Each breath was a chore at this point.
"Shit," Erik mumbled and lit a cigarette weakly. His lightly flickered an orange hue that made the darkening town lighten. He hated smoking and didn't know why he did it. His parents smoke so he supposed he just picked it up one day.
It took ten minutes before Charlie's old car was zooming down Mulberry and towards Erik. Charlie was out of the car and by Erik in the blink of an eye. His big blue eyes widen in concern as the pad of his thumb caresses Erik's bloody cheek softly.
"Who did this to you?" Charlie's voice cracked in sadness as he held Erik who was trying to look okay.
"The usual suspects. I can't go...my dad will kill me," Erik mumbled and Charlie's hugged Erik softly. Charlie understood Erik's father and the complicated relationship they had.
"I'll clean you up. Come on," Charlie took Erik's bloody hand and helped him into the car.
"You really had me scared. You always answer my calls," Charlie spoke after a minute of silence. Erik noticed his hands shivering slightly.
"Sorry about that, I'm pretty sure I passed out," Erik scoffed and Charlie looked over to him anxiously.
"Dammit, well tell me you at least stood up to them," Charlie questioned curiously.
"You'll be happy to know I did. I sent a punch right towards Jacob and knocked him straight on his ass!" Erik shouted despite the pain.
"That's my boy," Charlie praises and Erik went red. That's my boy...
"Raven is at Marinas so it will just be us. Probably better that way, she would have asked loads of questions." Charlie pulled into the driveway and parked the car looking at Erik for a moment. He was thinking about what to say. Erik could see the trouble in Charlie's eyes and the way they flickered in the night.
"Listen I..." Charlie started and Erik's heart raced.But just as quickly Charlie's face changed and he smiled, "I need to get you patched up." He decided to say and Erik watched him escape the vehicle in a rush.
Erik sat on the bathroom counter lazily as Charlie patched him up. Charlie's fingers were soft and delicate as they brushed across his skin with a warm cloth. It stung like a mother but Erik didn't show it. Charlie stood unreasonably close to Erik as he reached out. It created all sorts of awkward feelings for Erik but Charlie seemed unfazed. His blue eyes simply focusing on the task at hand. Erik's eyes wandered until they landed on Charlie's who were scrunched up sadly. Charlie observed Eriks bruised face with sadness. The lilac shades surrounded his bright eyes making them dull down. Slowly Charlie put small bandages on the cuts on Eriks cheek. The bandaids gave his harsh features a softer, more boyish look. Charlie knew that as soon as Erik left he would take them off but for now he was patched up.
Sometime in between the cuts and bandages Charlie's hand slowed as his eyes locked with Erik's. The only noise being the passing cars and pounding of Charlie's heart. The two boys both became aware of how close they were. The things that could be implied if someone saw them. It wasn't unusual for Charlie to patch up the chaotic boy but the air was different. Maybe the world tipped a little too far on its axis or Cupid sneezed in their general direction. Whatever it was kept them glued to their places. Erik wasn't sure what overtook him in that moment. He didn't know what courage balled up in his heart but he found his hands a resting place on Charlie's hips in a very light ,almost feathery, fashion. Charlie swallowed thickly as his face ran hot. What the hell is he doing? Does he even realize? Charlie was screaming inside and Erik was pretty sure he had died and come back to life ten times already.
Charlie decided to test the mood and put his hand on Erik's cheek slowly. It was like time stopped just for the two of them. The earth slowed and the silence grew as they made a decision. Slowly, and with great care, Erik leaned in. Charlie hesitated before throwing caution to the wind. Maybe they were both lonely and sad or tired of being broken hearted. Whatever it was, it was working.
"Cause I bloom, I bloom just for you..."
Charlie almost didn't realize his phone was ringing. The noise rang through the quiet bathroom bringing both boys back to reality. They jumped back realizing what was happening and cleared their throats awkwardly. Erik's eyes were wide as saucers. His hand on his cheek subconsciously as he tried to feel Charlie's warmth. Charlie felt the ghost of a sting from Erik's hands. It was wildly intimate and Charlie was glad it got cut off. What was he thinking? This was Erik! Not some random boy he couldn't...but what if...No!
"I'm gonna get that," Charlie spoke finally and backed out of the bathroom. There was a stiffness in the air that was so strong Charlie was sure it could be felt worldwide. So he grabbed his buzzing phone and answered it not bothering to see who it was. He ran downstairs cursing himself.
"Hello?" Charlie heard a familiar voice that made him stop in his tracks. No. Not now! Why is he even calling?
"Who is this?" Charlie asked knowing full and well. He would be an idiot not to remember the voice that used to call him every night like a dream.
"It's...It's Jack," his name was like piercing poison. It was like a hand ripping the heart out of Charlie's chest all bloody and gross and disgusting. It was Charlie's knees wobbling pathetically despite him standing still.
"Why are you calling?" Charlie tried to act strong and guarded.
"I'm back in Brooksville ." He spoke simply and Charlie frowned.
"What? Why? You just moved," Charlie asked harshly.
"My dad...we couldn't live there anymore. And I know I'm the last person you probably want to talk to but Charlie...shit I don't know what I was thinking. maybe with all this bullshit thrown at me I've gotten some perspective. The reason I called was to ask if you'd have coffee with me? Just so we can talk?" Jacks voice was gentle and had a tone of genuine desperateness that took Charlie by surprise. He was silent as he thought. It was just coffee and a talk. Closure is something he deserves after two years together. And Charlie wanted to know what happened with Jack's dad. The man was always...difficult. But then again why should he? After all Charlie was just starting to feel like himself again. Everything in him wanted to ask Erik's thoughts but after their almost...he didn't feel it was appropriate.
"Just a coffee Jack. Nothing more," Charlie decided.
"Yes! I mean yeah of course. I'm free whenever it works for you."
"Fine, tomorrow at...two meet me at Blue Jays. Don't be late because I will leave."
"Wouldn't dream of it. I'll see you then."
"See you then." Charlie hung up with his heart pounding out of his chest. What had he just agreed to? He wanted to scream! Why would he do that? Especially now after what just happened upstairs? Charlie kicked himself sadly and ran a hand through his hair.
"Shit," he whispered in defeat. Charlie could have just imagined the moment upstairs. Erik didn't swing that way...right? He's not...Erik's known for the way he can finesse a conversation and get any girl he wants. Whatever that was? It was nothing and Erik probably regretted it happening the second it began. Maybe Jack has worked himself out and then they can make their relationship work again. Lord knows Erik will probably have a girl on his arm next week anyway. Not that it bothered Charlie. He didn't think about Erik that way...right?

Wild (Cherik Book One)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu