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"I just feel like you don't care as much and it's driving me crazy, Tristan!" Tears started pooling in my eyes and it's easy to see they'd be flowing soon. I closed my eyes and shook my head as he spoke.

"You have no idea what I feel and what I don't feel."

"You don't put in nearly as much effort. I'd do anything for you and you say the same but your actions don't support your words. I do so many things for you that you just shake off as nothing and then when I come to asking you to do the same, it's too hard or you just don't feel like it. Why can't you just put in the same amount of effort? Why can't you just try?"

Tristan blinked rapidly then just looked at the floor. "You're making me feel like shit." 

"Well tough luck Tristan!" I felt so guilty and wanted to tell him it was okay and that he didn't have to feel that way but I knew better. I knew that he was guilting me into forgiving him and I couldn't bring myself to do that again.

"So what do you want me to do then?" He asked.

"Care," I said, "I just want you to care. I want you to put in the same amount of effort I put in for you. I want you to show that you care about me."

"I do that, Elizebeth! I do!"

"No you don't! You'll do one or two nice things a month and think that's good enough! Do you not understand that if you stop trying to win me, you'll lose me? I'm not afraid to leave if I'm not being appreciated." He put his head in his hands and I stepped towards him. "I don't want to leave you but if you don't show that you love me how am I supposed to believe you do?"

He shook his head and put his hands back down to his sides. " I don't know. I just don't know how I'm supposed to show that. I love you, you know that. Why are you doing this? It was such a good day, why are you starting this?"

"Because I'm tired. I don't want to have more days of going to sleep feeling unwanted by you."

Tristan shrugged, "So what does that mean then?"

"I don't know. Are you going to change?" I ask.

"I don't know how to change that, Elizebeth."

It's silent for a moment before I say, "So that's it then." It goes silent again and we both stare at the tile floor of my kitchen. Tristan shrugs. I look up at him then back at the floor. "I think you should leave." 

Tristan looks up and there's tears in his eyes. He nods and walks past me to the door. I don't bother to walk him out or even turn to watch him leave. More tears start flowing as I sink to the floor. I hear the door close behind me as I sit on the ground curled in a ball.

A collection of one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz