Amy, I

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I'm pretty sure the popcorn textured ceiling could pass as a starry night sky on a day like this. If it weren't for the rosy red glow of your bedroom lights, I could swear we were out in the middle of a field somewhere. We could feel the wind blow and hear the crickets chirp. 

I can almost feel your breathing beside me on this bed. We're both gazing at the white paint above us, and I wonder if it reminds you of the stars too. My heart feels heavy and my breathing is more shallow than normal. Lying on my back, with my feet propped up against the wall, I could stay here forever. I'm clinging to this moment as long as I can. I don't want to know what happens when it ends. I don't want to know what happens when we end.

You turn your head to face me and smile. You're always smiling.

I feel like I got punched in the stomach but you're smiling so I'm smiling. You're chuckling as you turn back to the ceiling and my grin grows wider. There's no reason for me to be happy but you're infectious like that. "We're funny," you tell me. I could question you and pester you to explain but you're always going to be mysterious so for once, I decide to leave it alone. You follow it with, "This sucks." The air in the room is getting noticeably cold. A shiver even runs down my spine.

"Yeah," I sigh, "It does."

"Leaving home was hard, my family, my friends, my", you choke and clear your throat," my life. but this, this is up there." I can hear you struggling to speak and I can hear the air getting caught in your throat. My heart sinks thinking about hurting you this way. The air gets colder and despite the rosy bulbs turning the whole room red, it's beginning to turn blue. It's more than a chill while the song on the radio plays, "I can hear your bare feet on my bedroom floor, but you're not here anymore."  I feel the bed's slight shake as you lose your breath. My heart cracks a little more and more.


I may still try this story again in the future. I feel like it's a really good one that i'll carry around with me for a long while. I guess we'll see.

The story ends in the room turning blue and snowy, with ice freezing over everything. The pain in their hearts has turned the room cold. And just like that they're frozen, looking at each other in this room. The music is still playing, then at the last moment the CD cracks and it's silent. The end. 

"Amy I, have never felt this kind of cold on me, never felt this kind of hold on me, never felt this kind of cold"

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