Too much?

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Have you ever liked someone so much it kind of scares you? And when you can't be by their side it hurts you physically and emotionally?

See, there's this boy and he does everything in a way that I could turn into poetry. His face is made up in such a way that it's a piece of art. And I think I love him too much. Is that possible? Can someone love another too much? I hope not. Because I never want to be too much for you to handle yet my mind can't seem to let go of the thought of you. I constantly feel a need to talk to you and I want to tell you how much I love you on a daily basis. I want to buy you flowers and I want to take you to all your favorite places. I want to make you so happy you'll question how you ever lived without me. I want to tell you this on a daily basis. But i have been told doing so is 'clingy' and it can become 'too much'. Why is it that showing my love can be turned around to be a bad thing? how much love is the right amount of love? If I love too little it seems like I don't care and if I love too much it seems like I'm obsessed. Why does there have to be a limit? I love you and that's that. When you get hurt I want to wrap you in bubble wrap and hide you away from the world. I'd sit you in front of the tv and play Scrubs and Without A Paddle constantly (don't worry, there'd be other good shows too). I always want to just give you your favorite foods for breakfast lunch and dinner and ruffle your hair and tell you it's going to be okay. This is what I think about every time you say you've had a bad day. I want to make you happy. I want to make you so happy. I want to be able to make you happy when you're already happy. God. I love you so much. My thoughts ramble on and they stray off topic a lot but the point still remains that I love him. I don't care who knows it. I'll scream it to the world. I'm proud to call him mine.

I was so afraid to say the word love again but he brought a whole new meaning to it. I thought I knew what love was but damn this isn't even close to what I thought. I thought I had felt love but the way I feel about you is so strong and so real I realized I never even got close before. It's you. You've changed my whole world for the better. You are my main focus. You're everything to me. You're my best friend. I trust you with my darkest secrets and every little corner of me. That says a lot since I have never fully 100% been open to someone before. But for you it's like I'm google, you just have to ask a question and I immediately will tell you the answer.(except for the whole are you okay thing. But that's in the past because I'll be honest from now on. No more lying I swear. Next time you ask I'll be honest I promise.) It's crazy for me to trust someone like that. But it's okay because it's you. Everything's okay because it's you. Anything would be okay because it's you. Once (we were trying to pick a house to hang out at) you told me that your heart desires to be with me and the place didn't matter. It's kind of like that. As long as I have you nothing else matters. This is long and I keep rambling and getting off track. So I'll end it now.

I love you.

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