funeral beds

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One 45 degree angle after another. Tracing my fingertips in a perfect triangle outlined above your heart. Your chest radiates heat and warms my cheek while I blush to the sound of your heartbeat. One 45 degree angle after another.
You tilt your head down to look at me and i raise mine to meet your eyes. You only smile and go right back to laying your head on the pillow. I nestle my head back into your chest. One 45 degree angle after another.
I'm hoping you didnt notice the rose tinted cheeks. I know what we are and what we arent. I know the boundaries I cant cross. Though, my heart cant see them well from this view in your bed. One 45 degree angle after another.
Its so cheesy, the way I talk about your eyes. Is it just me or do brown eyes really turn gold when the sunlight hits them? Each spot and line of your iris amazes me. I don't think i'll ever forget that. But then again, maybe I will. One 45 degree angle after another.
You brought your hand to mine and just held it there, stopping my movement just like that. Now we're still and your heart rate is slowing. The beats coming further and further apart. Just like that, I hear your familiar snore. Why is your snoring is my favorite sound to fall asleep to?
I can't stop thinking about you. You're laying right beside me, calm, and still, but my head is running at one hundred miles per hour. I'm frustrated that I feel everything so deeply. You're so calm and you don't mind where this goes but I think a piece of me will miss you forever if we never speak again. I know the odds are against us ever seeing each other again, and i know that doesn't bother you, but the impact you've made on me in a matter of months is stronger than anything I've felt in an entire lifetime. I'll always cherish that and remember you fondly for that. 

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