The Big City Air is Poison

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The view of the city was beautiful at night. If you look close though, you can see it's all lies. There's a boy stealing money from an old man who is too slow to chase after him. There's a hooker standing on the street corner waiting for her next job. There's a gang in an ally beating up a man for not paying them back in time.

Cities are funny like that.

None of it is as beautiful as it seems.

I sat on the ledge of this building thinking about everything that had gone wrong in the past month. Or maybe it started in the past year. I don't remember how I got here.

I remember that I used to have a family and I remember that I had a group of friends. But I also remember when it happened. That's when I began to lose everything I guess. That must be where it started.

I took a long drag of my cigarette and blew it out slow. I pulled my jacket a little tighter and looked around. The last time I was here I almost died. With a gun to my head and a prayer in my heart, I managed to get away. Everything got so out of hand. The drugs. The late nights. The parties. Where did it all go?

That life seems so glamorous when you see it on the TV. However, in reality, it's only fun for a week or two. Then they come after you. You'll lose everything. You'll fuck it all up. You'll end up like me.

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