the city never looked so bright

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The city never looked so bright.

It may have been midnight in the middle of a snowy winter night, but it's nights like these that make you just.. understand. With the christmas lights twinkling in the distance and the snow gathering on the roof tops, I could swear there was something worth living for. On the top of my apartment building, I looked down to the streets below me. There's a woman walking alone in her waitstaff uniform, probably trying to get home so she can get some rest between shifts. There's a couple holding hands and walking slowly, just to hold onto the time with each other as long as they can. I remember being like that. Holding your hand was an act so simple and so small, but, it meant so much. I would've killed for you. I guess you didn't feel the same.

I can't spend my life being hung up on you. Life is a mess and it's something no one will ever fully understand but it's something that you should live. That may sound dumb but why would you spend your life curled up in your apartment, reliving the past, when you could be out making a new future. Right now, you could get up and walk outside just to meet the love of your life. Or maybe you'll find out that you just got your dream job. Maybe your hero is just walking around outside and you're about to run into them. Everything in life is a surprise and tonight I've realized I should just go for it.

So I stepped back from the ledge of this old apartment building and walked back down the stairs just to trip on the stairs and land in the arms of a stranger.

"Oh! S-sorry!"

"It's fine," he eyed me curiously, "I'm Brad."

I smiled. "Lily."

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