Chapter thirty one

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Tony's POV

I felt stupid for trying to cover for Kezz, I knew I shouldn't have said that in front of her, I knew she was hurting and still I tried covering up for him.

My thoughts took me back to those days when Kezz and I were best of friends, when we shared secrets.... secrets like my crush on Adesuwa. When we sleep together in same room and play PES. He was no longer the brother I knew and I knew the reason, I tried to explain and reason with him that I wasn't the cause of her death but he didn't listen.

I ran my fingers through my hair, why didn't she just listen to me, it would have so much better now, we would have avoided everything. I still blame myself for that night, for leaving her standing outside alone, I should have taken her with me.

"Tony" I knew the voice, Saif. My posture stiffened and my back straighten, hostility taking over my face.

Saif walked around and stood in front of me.

"Why are you here? " I asked taking a threatening stance in front of him

Saif raised his hands in surrender " I'm not here for any trouble"

I snorted. Of course you are.

"I'm serious, I'm not in support of what Kezz and the rest did" he stated

I narrowed my eyes at him "So you knew?"

He scowled " I didn't know about it, they didn't tell me about it seeing as I have grown too fond of Adesuwa but of course I knew they were the ones when I saw the video.....they've been my friends since junior school, you know that"

His last statement was full of knowing, of course I knew they have been friends since junior school, I was part of the crew, Justice, Joshua we were all friends till we separated in SS1.

"You know me Tony" he had a knowing look.

"What do you want" I asked folding my arms

"Have you seen Adesuwa?" Concern was etched in his face " I've been looking for her and I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this" he said, his Arabian tone coming out more as his forehead creased.

I felt my heart clench as I went over what Saif said "you've not seen her" dread washed over me as Saif nodded his head

"Let me ask Chioma" I said already moving towards the classroom area, the breeze under the tree was no longer calming.

"I'm coming with you" Saif tagged along.

We got to the classroom and gratefully Chioma was there together with Tina, who I've been trying to avoid since she confessed her feelings for me.

"Thank God you're here" I said stopping in front of them

"Hello to you too" Chioma rolled her eyes

"Ummh Chioma I'll be going" Tina said standing up to leave

"We can't find Adesuwa, have you seen her" I asked, my face showing how worried I was, I knew she was facing a lot and she has been holding everything in and it can make her take a crazy decision.

"I haven't seen her" Chioma answered and stood up immediately

I turned to Tina and caught her staring at me dreamily, I shook my head in my mind, I've told her who my heart belongs too. " Have you seen her Tina"

She shook her head, her lips in a thin line.

"Let's spread out and look for her, places you think she would be" Saif spoke for the first time.

"Somewhere you can be hidden" I added and we split up looking for her and also forgetting we are supposed to be having trade subject right now.

I checked everywhere possible even toilets both females and males to know if she was inside but I didn't see her.....I was walking towards the ICT center when my eyes caught the tall standing pavilion and I knew that was the best hiding place so I abandoned my mission to the ICT and started to move towards the pavilion.

My heart hammered as I near the under of the pavilion, worry overwhelmed me and I had a feeling I would find her there.

"Adesuwa" I called but no answer came.

I ventured inside but couldn't find her, I began opening the room doors there, when I opened the third one, my breath got hitched and I felt tears pool in my eyes as I took in her state, the pool of blood already forming under her palm.

"Oh my God! " I rushed towards her scared that she was already dead because of how pale her face was. When I got close to her I noticed that she still had small colour but it was fading, I quickly picked her up in a bridal style and began to make my way towards the school clinic.

"Tony" her eyes fluttered open and then closed back, her voice sounded drowsy "you came"

"Of course I will, why wouldn't I " I reply increasing my footsteps, I curse the field for being so big and the clinic for being a bit far.

"I feel sleepy Tony" her voice still sounded drowsy and her eyes were closed.

"Don't you dare" I warned as fear sipped into me " you're not sleepy Adesuwa, don't you dare try to leave me" my voice broke at the end " I don't think I can take it the second time"

She didn't reply, but I could feel her heart beat though it was faint. I didn't care about all the students throwing looks our way or the teachers who were making their way towards us.

"Head boy" I heard Mr Cletus call, I didn't stop I just continued, scared if I stop I would loose her. "Head boy" I heard his voice closer and then I felt his hands on my shoulder, he turned me around, I felt like punching him for stopping me, for wasting my time. "Jesus Christ!!! Give her to me let's take her to a hospital, school clinic cannot take care of this"

I nodded and quickly gave her to him as the both of us quickly made way to his car, that was packed in the field.

"Tony!" I saw Chioma, Saif and Tina making way towards us with worried and confused face, immediately Chioma saw Adesuwa she bursted into tears

"Get inside!" Mr Cletus ordered and I obeyed immediately, the car zoomed off with speed.


So how was this chapter? What do you think about it? And who is your favorite character in this chapter and so far on the book?  I'll be posting another on Sunday but I might surprise you guys tomorrow.

I love your comments and contribution, it's really making this book so much fun😁 thanks 😘

Good news, he's back and he wants revenge is coming to an end very soon....we have about four or five chapters to go 😉

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