chapter twenty _ one

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Adesuwa POV

I walked into the classroom beaming with great amount of joy. Kezz asked me out, in front of the whole school...

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I gasped and turned to meet his nervous gaze of course I want to date him. I've waited for this for a long time.

I wanted to look at our spectators but I couldn't take my eyes of his.

"I know it's a bit early to be asking you out but I really love you and you make me feel unimaginable things. I know you're the one I want to be with, the one that makes me complete...."

Ok this was looking like a wedding proposal speech. I just hoped he wasn't going to go down on his knees too.

" me possessive or jealous..."

What the hell did he say before what did he say? Babes just listen to him. I mentally scolded myself. Pls just shut him up.

"Yes" I beamed

"...I wanted to ask you out before I lose my chance, I...wait, come again?"

"I said yes" I nodded

"You said yes" it came out like a question of confirmation then he turned to his friends " she said yes" he breathed out.

Kezz walked up to me and pulled me into a hug, I could see Chioma making awwwn sounds and faces as she pressed herself on Bayo, ok like seriously! Not necessary.

"Happy Birthday" Kezz said and I stiffened. How did he know?

I think I might have said it out because he replied.

"Tina gave me all the information I needed to know"

"How? I mean we were together last night there's no how?"

He corked a brow "didn't you go to your hostel?"

Ooh. I sent Tina a thank you smile as we began walking to class. Of course we were already the talk of the school, I think some people might even forget what they are supposed to write.

"Happy Birthday" Tony said as he walked up to me and hugged me

"Save some for me" I heard Josh say as he pulled me away from Tony. "Happy Birthday baby" he pecked my cheeks and handed me a wrapped rectangular box.

" You didn't have to" I said as I stared at the gift

"Just open it" he grinned and I did as I was told.

I unwrapped the free and opened the box just to see a pen inside...a Leo smart pen.

"Like seriously?" I questioned as I raised the pen he took time to wrap. " A pen Josh"

"An exam pen" he retorted

"You should have at least considered a Schneider, if you desperately wanted to give me a biro"

" At least I'm better than everyone who has given you a gift, I care about your studies..."

"Josh" Tony drew out giving him a strange look.

"Oh yeah. See you after maths, physics and civic"


"Hope you read?"

" Josh I'm sure she did. Thank you" Tony cut in sending Josh a sharp glare that sent Josh away.

"So you remember?"

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