Chapter seventeen

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I groaned loudly as I sat on my seat in class, why is today Monday? Why did the weekend have to come to an end? This was the longest and most entertaining weekend ever in premier model. I felt like banging my head on my locker.

"Oya oo, it's time for assembly" Mr Monde came into the block shouting.

I groaned loudly again, assembly. Chioma came and pulled me out of my seat.

"Let's go" she said

I followed her and we went for assembly. When we got to the assembly ground, the drum line had started drumming for the national anthem so we had to stand at attention till the of the national anthem, first and second stanzas.

We quickly joined the assembly as the principal held the mic to speak after the national anthem and pledge.

"Good morning students" Mr Ndukwe greeted.

"Good morning sir" we chorused and then the assembly ground fell quiet that you could even hear a pin drop.

"There are rules in this school and there are people who enforces this rules..." He paused and looked around to be sure everyone was listening then he continued " but there has to be a link between the people in authority and the students..."

I knew where this talk was leading to, he wants to call out the name of the new prefects.

"...this are the prefects for the 2018/2019 session. Asokoro house captain one is Asiya Illiya, Maitama house captain one Joy Bako..."

I tuned him off as he kept calling the prefects names, some earning claps and whistles while some boos. I felt Chioma tap me, I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"It's remaining only the head girl and head boy" she said giddy

"...the head girl of premier model for the 2018/2019 session is..." He trailed off as students began to shout different names.

"Senior Adaobi"

"Senior Fatima"

"Senior Adesuwa"

Mr Ndukwe chuckled lightly and got back to what he was saying " the head girl is Adesuwa Martin"

I felt all eyes on me and then Chioma pulled me into a hug and pushed me towards the platform. I could hear junior students shouting in joy and whistling as I climbed the platform. When I got there the principal congratulated me and shook my hand before giving me my prefect badge. He asked me to stand next to him by his left hand side and then he went into the last announcement, the head boy.

My eyes roamed round the assembly ground and then it fell on kezz. He was staring deeply at me that I felt my breath hitched, I felt goosebumps appearing on my hand, his stared made my inside churn in a way I couldn't explain. I missed talking to him, the last time we talked it didn't end well. I smiled at him but his expression did not waver, I was taken aback.

"Adesuwa stand here" Mr Ndukwe voice snapped my gaze off Kezz to him.

I looked at the person standing on the platform next to Mr Ndukwe, the new head boy, I was shocked to come face to face with Tony. He smiled at me and adjusted for me.

"Congrats" he whispered as Mr Ndukwe addressed the remaining students.

"You too" I replied with a small smile.

The drummers began to play the drums as we walked down the platform, assembly was over. I couldn't get my mind off Kezz. What did I do? Why didn't he return my smile?

Tina pulled me into a hug congratulating me " congrats head girl"

"You too sports prefect "

Justice walked up to us with Joshua. I smiled at them.

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