Chapter four

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Adesuwa was seated in class, unable to focus on anything since yesterday afternoon. She felt disturbed and helpless, knowing that her scholarship - the reason why she was in Premier - was at risk.

Due to her financial situation, Adesuwa's mother was unable to afford the Premier model, which was an extremely expensive school. As the sole provider for the family, she earned a living by selling foodstuff at the local market, where profits were often meager and unpredictable.

Adesuwa's mind was racing with doubt and uncertainty. Had she done the right thing by reporting Kezz? She couldn't help but wonder if there might have been another way to handle the situation. She sat alone in the classroom, deep in thought while everyone else went off to grab breakfast.

But even in her solitude, Adesuwa couldn't escape the feeling that she was being watched. She looked up to see Kezz standing in the doorway, looking at her with a mix of disgust and anger.

For a moment, Adesuwa froze, unsure of what to do. But then she took a deep breath and stood up to face Kezz. She knew that she had done the right thing, even if it wasn't the easiest choice

They stared at each other, no one wanting to be the first to back down. Then she decided to get it over with.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Adesuwa asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"You know why," Kezz replied, his voice cold and sharp. "You turned me in, and you got me suspended..."

Adesuwa cut him off with glare. "Somehow I wish I didn't get you suspended but expelled." She need to shut her mouth up. She just keeps putting herself in bigger problem. "You broke the rules, and you have to face the consequences."

His wicked laughter filled the room, sending chills down her spine.

"The principal can't expel me, he is my uncle and my dad is the president." He paused and then with a poker face, "I'm back and I'm going to make your life in this school a living hell, it's not a threat it's a promise. Pack your bags and get ready to leave this school I hope you've enjoyed your stay in premier, scholar girl." Kezz glared at her for a moment longer before turning and storming out of the room.

Adesuwa watched him go, feeling  relieved that he was out of the classroom. She knew that things would never be the same in the school but she also knew that she had stood up for what was right.

"Adesuwa," Adesuwa felt a tap on her hand and looked up to see Chioma and Tony gazing at her with concern etched on their faces."I've been calling your name for a long time."

Adesuwa shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. " I..I..I didn't hear you." She stuttered, then cleared her throat and repeated her sentence clearer.

"Is anything the matter? You don't look like yourself." Tony said with furrowed brows.

"I...I," she shook my head and faked a smile. "I didn't know breakfast was over. How was it?"

"What were you thinking of ?" Chioma asked with a stern look.

Adesuwa's heart was pounding in her chest as she tried to slip away from Chioma and Tony unnoticed. She knew that if she told them what had happened with Kezz, they would want to get involved. And as much as she appreciated their concern, she didn't want to put them in danger.

But Chioma was quick to spot Adesuwa's attempt to leave. "Hey, where are you going?" she asked, stepping in front of Adesuwa and blocking her path.

Adesuwa tried to feign a smile. "Nowhere, just need to clear my head for a bit," she said, hoping that Chioma would buy it.

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