Chapter three

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Photo of Kezz above

A few classes had already passed. Adesuwa was in SS3D, attending a science class along with Tony and Chioma. Meanwhile, Joshua was in SS3C, also taking a science class, and Tina was in SS3A, studying art.

It was break time and Adesuwa was feeling quite hungry. The bread and egg she had eaten earlier in the morning hadn't satisfied her hunger. When the geography teacher left the classroom, she hurriedly made her way out and scanned the area for Tina and Chioma, but they were nowhere to be found. Usually, they would all go for break together, but with neither of them in sight, Adesuwa made the decision to go for break alone.

"Tony," Adesuwa shouted as she caught sight of him not to far away from where she was.

When Adesuwa noticed him turning towards her, she eagerly waved at Tony. Despite his unreadable expression, she ran towards him with excitement, causing her breaths to become heavy as she finally stopped in front of him. Tony looked at her with a raised brow, clearly confused. Adesuwa had noticed that he had a habit of frequently raising his brows.

"Well," she took in a heavy breath, hunched over as she spoke. "I was looking for..."another breath, "who to go to the cafeteria with."  She finally completed her sentence and stood straight flashing him a charming smile.

When Adesuwa asked if she could join Tony on his walk, he simply nodded and started walking. Adesuwa took this as an indication that it was okay for her to join him. As she struggled to keep up with Tony's pace, she realized that she was not as athletic as she thought she was. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't help but feel breathless and wheezy.

Adesuwa was determined to keep up with Tony, but she was starting to feel embarrassed about her lack of fitness. She tried to focus on her breathing and take deeper breaths, but it didn't seem to help much. At one point, she even had to stop and catch her breath before continuing to walk alongside Tony.

Tony wasn't walking too quickly, but his long legs covered more ground with each step. He noticed the girl behind him appeared to be struggling and slowed his pace, subtly adjusting his stride to match hers.

Adesuwa smiled gratefully, but Tony didn't return the gesture. He continued walking in silence, making the journey to the cafeteria feel tedious as he made no effort to engage in conversation. Just as Adesuwa was about to break the silence, she noticed a guy approaching them. Recognizing him as a friend of Tony's from a previous encounter, she held back any further attempts at conversation.

"Hey my guy, what's up?" He greeted as they did their weird hand greetings. He turned to her and then back at Tony. "Is she?" He questioned and Tony glared at him.

"Adesuwa, Justice." Tony said plainly leaving no room for dramatics.

Adesuwa gazed at him in amazement, unable to believe that this was the Justice she had heard so much about. Chioma had raved incessantly about him, claiming that he was the best dancer in Premier. Adesuwa wasn't very social and was more of a bookworm, which explained why she was unfamiliar with Premier's dance scene.

"I didn't ask you her name." Justice flashed her a smile, stretching  his hand out for a handshake. "I know her, Adesuwa Martins."

Adesuwa's brows creased in confusion. How?

Justice chuckled understanding her expression. "Who doesn't know the girl who sent Kezz on suspension, I mean its what the entire school talks about since he came back. Not to his face sha." Justice explained.

Adesuwa gave a small, nervous smile. She knew that Chioma and Tina's plan wouldn't work out now that the whole school was talking about it.

Justice shrugged. "What are the two of you doing together? It has never happened."

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