Chapter six

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Adesuwa POV

As they were settling into their afternoon prep, Mrs. Paul entered the classroom. In her late thirties, she exuded an air of authority and wore a traditional dark green skirt and blouse with a matching light green veil. Adesuwa had been under Mrs. Paul's tutelage for two years, as her biology teacher. Mrs. Paul was known to be a strict disciplinarian, and Adesuwa had experienced this firsthand.

"I hope everyone has updated their notes to evolution?" Mrs Paul asked as she placed the textbook in her hand on the table.

Adesuwa nodded even though it was to no one in particular.

"Class, bring out your biology note and place it in front of you, on your desk. I'll go around checking to see if it is up to date and if so you'll be rewarded five marks for your continuous assessment coming up." Mrs Paul stated and began to check their note book.

Adesuwa frantically searched her locker for her biology notebook, eventually finding it. However, upon picking it up, she immediately sensed that something was amiss - it felt unusually light. As she opened the notebook, her suspicions were confirmed: all of her notes and writings were gone. Someone had torn out all the pages.

Panic set in as Adesuwa realized that she would have to explain this to Mrs. Paul. But how could she possibly convince her teacher that someone had maliciously destroyed her notebook? Adesuwa felt helpless and overwhelmed.

"Adesuwa, where is your note?" Mr Paul asked and she brought it out and placed it on her desk. "Open it Adesuwa."

Adesuwa took a deep breath and gathered her composure before slowly opening her torn notebook. As she flipped through the empty pages, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and frustration.

Adesuwa's mind raced as she tried to think of a plausible explanation to give to Mrs. Paul, but nothing came to mind. She was at a loss for words and felt like there was nothing she could do.

"Is this a joke or what?" She fired really mad.

Adesuwa quickly replied trying to defend herself. "Ma, I can explain, I completed the note but someone tore it..."

"I'm so disappointed in you Adesuwa, you were a serious student in ss1 and ss2. What made you change? So because you're in ss3 now, you think you can do as you please." She reprimanded. "You've lost your two marks and you're banned from my class for the next two weeks." She stated putting on her glasses and walking to the next student.

Adesuwa felt the weight of everyone's gaze upon her, but there was one stare that stood out from the rest - it felt as if someone was piercing her body with their eyes. She tried not to focus on it, instead focusing on the question that was occupying her mind: Who could have done this to her notebook?

As Adesuwa gazed out the window, she saw Kezz walking with Bayo, headed to their next class. Suddenly, it all made sense. She knew without a doubt that Kezz was the one behind the malicious act of tearing her notebook, seeking revenge for what she had done to him.


Adesuwa sat in class, determined to study for the upcoming test. Her entire academic career at Premier School had been on scholarship, and she knew that if she wanted to graduate from this prestigious academy, she needed to perform exceptionally well in all her exams.

"Adesuwa," Stanley a guy in her class called as he walked up to her seat.

"Yeah." She answered not raising her head up from her book.

"What are you reading?" He enquired.

"Physics, anything the matter?"

"Can you explain this light wave, it doesn't seem to get into my brain."

Adesuwa nodded at Stanley's request, and began to explain the concept of light waves to him. As she delved deeper into the topic, she noticed that Stanley seemed to be struggling to keep up with her explanation.

Just then, a soft knock on the door interrupted their discussion. Adesuwa turned her attention towards the door, and saw a junior student standing outside. The student knocked gently as a sign of respect before entering the classroom.

"What happened?" Adaora one of her classmates asked.

"Emm... Mrs Emmanuel sent me to call this students." The girl answered showing her a list.

Mrs. Emmanuel was the head of the school's Guidance and Counseling Unit, but unfortunately, the unit was not living up to its name. Rather than providing guidance, the counselors seemed to add to the confusion of the students

Adaora collected the papers from the student and started calling out the names one by one.

"SS3D... Clinton Adebayo, Fatima Maha..." She continued to call the names as Adesuwa tuned her out. She was sure the names she was calling were the soon to be perfect.

"Who said Adaora should call the names?" Stanley asked with jaw clenched. Adesuwa shrugged. "You know what am saying, she likes notice me, I.T.K."

Adesuwa chuckled, knowing exactly what Stanley meant by "ITK" - "I too know". He was right about Adaora; she was always eager to show off and make it known that she was the daughter of the Governor of Anambra State. Her typical introduction usually went something like this: "Hi, I'm Adaora Clement, daughter of the Governor of Anambra State." Adesuwa found it quite ridiculous and unnecessary.

Adesuwa felt a hand tugging at her, and when she looked up, she saw that it was Tony.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Adaora mentioned your name, let's go." He said.

"Go where?"

"To G and C's office." He said and dragged her out of class.

Hey guys, I know this chapter isn't much and didn't really have much in it but I promise I'll make it up to you guys.

Who will agree with me copying biology notes us actually really stressful😥😥 thinking back I never had a complete biology note but I always get my five marks😂😂😂

We had these set of useless guidance and counsellors, I'm not sure they are even worthy of the name. They are actually destroy people's lives, I'm just kidding or am I 😏😏

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