Part 42: Dancing on Glass

Start from the beginning

"I think Ashten pretty much has that covered," Tommy muttered, snorting and snuffing out his finished cigarette in the large ashtray. He had always had trouble controlling his mouth and let it get him in trouble quite a few times over the years. He should have expected this time would be no different. Nonetheless, he didn't see it coming so he wasn't prepared for the fist that slammed into his jaw, spinning him around and into the wall. Tommy caught himself on his hands, avoiding smashing his face into the hard concrete. Shocked, he wiped the side of his mouth across his lower lip and pulled it away to examine the trickle of blood that decorated his thumb and index finger. He fumed and spit a mixture of salvia and blood on the ground as he pushed himself off the wall, turning around with full intent on retaliation.

"Want some more?!" Nikki antagonized glaring in an all out rage, his fists clenched at his sides but ready to deliver another blow at a milliseconds notice. "Keep running your fucking mouth. I fucking dare you!"

"Yeah, I can spare a few seconds to kick your fucking ass," Tommy's temper flared and he made a lunge at his best friend of over twenty-five years. He made it about one step away before he was stopped by a loud voice.

"Hey! You two stop this shit right now!" The boys froze when Jozie approached and bravely squeezed herself between the two of them, nudging them both with each of her elbows and successfully creating some distance for the friends who seemed dead set on killing one another. "Not here. Not now."

Nikki let out a heavy sigh through his nostrils and snapped his fierce gaze from Tommy to Jozie, giving her a curt nod of surrender at her plea. He backed away, wiping his hand over his face as he turned to stare at the wall for a minute. Jozie watched him close his eyes and try to calm some of the fury as he walked away, looking very much like a caged animal trying to find a way to escape. He was tense and coiled, like he was going to snap at any moment for any reason. He looked anguished and furious and Jozie had no doubt the had she not shown up when she did Tommy would have taken the beating of his life.

"Fucking prick," Tommy spat on the ground and glowered in Nikki's direction.

"Ease up," Jozie sighed as she continued to watch Nikki. "He's scared."

"We're all scared." he replied, still fuming.

She shook her head and locked eyes with Tommy before speaking sternly. "Not like he is."

Tommy met her eyes briefly before glancing back over at Nikki, his expression softening a bit. He let out a deep sigh of regret and silently nodded before he took out another cigarette and lit up.

Satisfied with her peacemaking efforts, Jozie followed Nikki into the waiting room and took a seat next to him. He'd calmed down slightly but still looked like a scared and lost little boy.

"Do we know what's going on yet?" She asked. Nikki simply shook his head and Jozie nodded towards the ER door frowning. "Have you been back there to see her?"

"Alex said to stay here," he replied quietly with a shrug.

Jozie scoffed and stood up pulling him up by his arm. He furrowed his brow but stood up along with her letting her pull him towards the forbidden door.

"You're Nikki Fucking Sixx. Since when have you ever done what you were told?"

As soon as Jozie reached for the handle the door flew open and she gasped in shock as Alex appeared before them wearing green surgical scrubs and removing a pair of latex gloves. He looked up at three sets up eyes, including Tommy who had just joined them, gaping at his blood splattered scrub top. Panic ensued and they all began talking at once.

"Dude, what the fuck?!"

"Holy shit!"

"Oh my fucking GOD!"

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