XXVIX || Fall With Me, Part II

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It's now become a story within a story about a story... lol

Please take care and stay safe!

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⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

【 O F    A N O T H E R ,    O T H E R    L I F E

You had no idea how many seconds, minutes, or hours had passed since you fled into the depths of the forest. Your legs ached, and your feet hurt. Every step felt like you were walking on fire. The soil and grass were merciless as they prickled your raw skin. Your lungs were desperately starved of oxygen and your throat begged for water.

Other than the sound of your blood pumping through your veins and heavy breathing, silence accompanied you and your newfound companion on your trek.

The exhaustion eventually became too much, and you eventually slowed to a walk. Almost immediately, the sting of pain vanished from your body. Your limbs ceased to ache, and your injuries were healed over.


You dropped your gaze, staring at your bare feet. Where had the burn gone? Curiously, you wiggled your toes against the damp soil. Astonishment washed across your features when you realized that all the pain from before was gone.

Shaking your head, you turned your attention to your surroundings. Your eyes carefully drew everything in, taking the extra seconds to pin the world to your memory. Upon the forest floor lay the corpses of numerous trees, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons seemed unfriendly, having stripped away the bark. You couldn't help but admire the beauty of it all, drawn to the twisting patterns of driftwood.

You separated your hand from Link's grasp. Failing to hear his confused grunt, you ventured over towards the closest tree. You placed a hand against its trunk and brushed the pad of your thumb over a layer of moss that made its home there. It was soft and slightly damp. Yet, when you pulled away, your fingers felt dry.

Tilting your head back, your narrowed eyes peered up toward the sky. Besides a small crescent of light, the sky was obscured by the towering trees.

These woods were by no means dense, but the trees were monstrous in both width and height. Their wide branches stretched high into the sky, like desperate hands reaching for the heavens. The thick, lush leaves which adorned the branches acted as a filter, blocking out the light. Only a couple of beams managed to find their way through, though it was impossible to tell whether it was the sunlight or moonlight.

It was then you came to the sudden realization that other than yourself, the Hylian, and the surrounding flora, the area was devoid of other forms of life. You held your breath and strained your ears, trying your hardest to pick up the call of an animal or the fluttering of a wing. However, you were met with nothing but the strong beat of your own heart. The air was also eerily still as if no breeze was capable of penetrating through the forestry.

It was almost as if you were in a world lost in time.

Your eyes immediately lit up in excitement.

"Link!" You cried out, your sharp voice shattering the silence.

You spun around your heel, expecting to see your newfound companion lingering around. However, you were met with nothing but the forest scenery.


Remaining calm, you cautiously began to retrace your steps, all while keeping your eyes peeled. Your eyes darted back and forth, drinking in the sight of the solemn trees, fallen logs, and tall grass. Thankfully, it didn't take long for you to spot the Hylian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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