III || It's a Beautiful Life

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【 O F    A N O T H E R    L I F E


You turned your head away from the rising sun, giving your full undivided attention to the Hero of Time.

"Yes, Link?" You responded with a smile.

The quiet man tilted his lips upwards into the smallest of smiles. Then in the softest voice, he gently asked, "what do you plan on doing after all this?"

You raised an eyebrow in confusion before asking, "do you mean after the final battle?"

He nodded back, affirming your question.

"Hm..." you hummed lightly to yourself while tapping your chin in thought. "Honestly, I have no idea. Maybe stop by home for a bit to say hello?"

Silence followed.

You turned back towards your companion. His head was tilted slightly downwards, and his eyes fixed upon the pavement beneath his boots. You had easily become accustomed to that expression of his. He had this far-off look within his eyes, and his lips were slightly pursed in thought. It meant that Link had something on his mind that he wanted to say but wasn't quite sure if it was appropriate or not.

You had come to realize, after your travels together, that all he needed was a little push.

"What is it?" you asked softly while gently nudging his elbow with yours.

"Do you think..." Link raised his head, his intense eyes meeting your own. "That I could come with you? I want to stay by your side if that's okay."

【 P R E S E N T L Y

You easily found your old traveling bag from your wardrobe. Unlike Link, you didn't bother stashing it somewhere in the dark depths of the handcrafted cabinet. Link had done it as a symbol of some sort: to confirm that his adventure was over, and now he was here to stay.

You didn't.

What was the point? You knew that the day for you to take your leave would come. It had happened in the past life, and the one before that, and the one before that as well... You always left afterward, unable to bear witness to your soulmate devote his life to another.

You quickly began to gather your worldly belongings before throwing them into your bag. You didn't have much anyway, especially after the whole 'saving the world thing'.

As you reached for your cloak, however, you suddenly stopped. The old thing was worn and tattered. It was also slightly patchy, from having been sewed so many times. Despite its appearance, this cloak has managed to keep you warm and dry without fail.

Oh, the memories this old thing gave you...

You still remembered when you had first gotten it in the first place, almost like it was yesterday. It was right after your little village in the Faron Woods had been attacked by monsters. You had been picking berries in the woods when disaster struck. You wanted to return and ward off the beasts, but some lumberjacks from your village told you to get help from Ordon Village. It was then when you ran, literally, into a group of men from your neighboring town. Or rather, more specifically, you had the luck of crashing right into Link, taking you both to the ground. Apparently, having spotted the smoke from afar, the Ordon men decided to investigate. At that moment, Link gave you his cloak to keep you warm in all his kindness.

You hesitated, wanting so desperately to take it with you. It was the only thing you had to remember him by. All your worldly possessions from your former lives were long gone, along with the many Links that you've lost.

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