0 || Sweetly Bitter

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You watched from afar as they were reunited in tears, laughter, and within an embrace that could probably rival the strength of a Goron.

You smiled, albeit deprecatingly.

It wasn't that you wished you had someone like that in your life - someone who traversed the world to find you or someone who transcended realms for you... You wanted him.

The one who fell for another.

The one who you had been created for.

The Gods loved his soul so much that they went out of their way to create a life-partner for him. Someone who would selflessly stick by his side, someone who would raise him when everything seems bleak, someone who would love him no matter what.

Someone who would never have their feelings reciprocated.

That, someone, was you.

"Don't worry, child."

You felt a kind hand gently glide over your shoulder. You didn't have to look to know your source of comfort had come from Renaldo, the Shaman of Kakariko Village. He was one of the two who knew of your unspoken fate and your suffering.

"The pain will pass. Soon, the Gods will smile down upon you and your future."

"No," you muttered back, your voice laced with anger and sadness. "No, they will not."

No matter how much you tried, you couldn't pull your eyes away from the scene that shattered your heart. Although it spelled a lifetime of heartache for you, it meant a lifetime of happiness for him.

He got his happy ending.

As the one created solely for him, you'd let him have it; even if that meant your life would only continue to be plagued by bitterness.

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