VIX || Wandering Hearts

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【 P R E S E N T L Y

Link awakens before dawn now. The first thing he does is run towards the entrance of the village. Then he sits and waits, and waits, hoping to spot the bright, red flag of the Postman appear over the horizon.

This soon became a ritual for him.

Rain or shine, he'd be there. He didn't care if the morning fog has yet to settle, and he couldn't see a thing. He practically lived and breathed for this moment. It was the only thing keeping him from spiralling into complete and utter misery. It was the only thing he looked forward to these days.

Of course, the Postman couldn't possibly make the trip to Ordon every single day. He only arrived if there was something to be delivered. The few times he did come, it was to deliver parcels to Mayor Bo from the other Tribes. He sometimes also brought letters from Princess Zelda, inviting Link to her banquets.

He didn't care about any of that.

What he so desperately hoped for was a letter from you. Or even better, to have you come home to him, even though he knew that was a long shot. He had explicitly written to you that he wasn't going to beg you to come back. He didn't own you, after all. And after his meeting with your father, Link almost seemed to respect your little disappearing act.

The days without you gave him a chance to look back and reflect seriously, and he felt like a complete fool for not noticing earlier. You were having such a hard time re-adjusting to life in Ordon. You looked downright miserable. So who was he to keep you tied to a place that made you sad?

Though selfishly, a part of him he secretly wished you would return and be happy.

Perhaps... Be happy with him?

The thought seemed to strike something deep within his soul, sending waves upon waves of delight coursing through his system. The very thought of you brought a dreamy smile to his face. Sometimes he selfishly longed to return to the days where it was just you, him and Midna. By no means did he wished for darkness to threaten the world again. He did miss it when you used to be so close, both physically and emotionally.

Now that he thought about it, you were always there by his side. You did everything for him, putting him before even yourself. You made saving the world so easy. You were dependable and trustworthy. You always had his back, covering his side and defending him when he was struck down. You were the one who would gather and prepare supplies for the journey. However, your mind would often wander into a daydream, and it would be hours before Link finally found you.

Now he finally knew why you would drift off into a daze. You weren't daydreaming. You were reminiscing. If what your father had said was true, then your head was filled with countless memories of many lifetimes. Ones that Link apparently shared in as well, but alas, he did not remember. His only memories of you began the day you came stumbling into his arms and his life.

Yet your memories were centuries, maybe even thousands of years old.

Nothing could be crueller than that. What a fate to be subjected to.

Link sighed and stood up from the tree stump that served as his chair. He turned towards the east and squinted. The sun had risen above the horizon.

The Postman didn't come today either. You didn't write him back, and that hurt the hero deeply.

You had always been there. Every step of the way. Always.

But now you were gone, and Link felt helpless. A part of him had always assumed that you'd be at his side forever, no matter what. That part was true, to a certain extent. You were created solely for him. He was the reason why you existed. You should be here.

Eternity [Link x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora