XII || Link's Resolve

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【 P R E S E N T L Y

This heat is really something, Link noticed with a small frown.

Feeling awfully parched, he quickly unscrewed the cap off his water canister before taking a small drink. Water never tasted so good.

After drinking enough to quench his thirst, he replaced the canister back securely in one of the many bags strapped to his saddle. He then tilted his head back and tried to make sense of the time. Judging from the position of the sun, it was probably just a little bit past noon. He re-directed his focus forward, squinting as he tried to make out the castle in the distance. Doing the math quickly in his head, Link was relieved that he would probably make it to Castle Town before sundown.

"Hang in there, girl," he encouraged Epona. "You must be tried. I know there's a nice rest spot nearby, so hang on until then."

Epona neighed back in response, content with just being out and about with her master again. Link gently patted her strong neck a few times before returning his hand to the reigns.

About half an hour had passed before Link and Epona came upon the resting spot. There was a small stream trickling south with a bed of grass growing nearby and a large arching tree that provided some shade. It was perfect.

Link easily hopped off, stretched out his limbs, and then removed some of his travelling bags from Epona. She snorted happily before trotting off towards the stream.

Link couldn't help but smile slightly as he watched Epona carefully dip her muzzle into the stream. He then made his way over towards the tree. He set down his bags before taking a seat against the base of the tree trunk.

He sighed contently as he stretched his legs out in front of him. They had been riding for quite a bit, so it felt really nice to stretch out his muscles. He decided that he should also rest for now and refill his water canister before departing.

As Link watched Epona happily graze about, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. It was like a large, gaping hole had appeared in place of his heart.

Something was missing.

You were missing.

Link recalled, with a rather bittersweet smile, how this was also the first stop he made when you both set out to fight the Twilight. He was so inexperienced back then, never having left Ordon in all his life. Link recalled how anxious he had felt the first night away from home. He didn't know how to properly set up the tent, start a fire, or gather materials.

Thankfully you were there.

You had excellent survival skills. You knew exactly how to do everything, and you were more than happy to teach Link all you knew. Even as he struggled, you had been patient and encouraging.

Now that Link thought about it, you were probably so knowledgeable because you've cared for him so many times in the past. Over and over again, you had to re-teach him how to survive in the wild.

He couldn't even begin to imagine what that must've been like.

With every life, he forgot, and you remembered. Yet you stuck by his side, no matter what. You had always put him first, even before your own wellbeing.

Again and again. Time through time.

But never once did his past lives return your feelings?

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