XV || Endless Tears

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【 O F    A N O T H E R    L I F E 】

The days seem to go by so slowly. So painfully slowly.

Although you had made a tremendous recovery, you were still quite ill. As such, Link had decided it was best to stay in the castle until you were a-hundred-percent better. You wanted to believe he made such a decision because he was concerned for your well-being, but some little voice in the back of your head nagged at you that it was because of Princess Zelda.

Alone in your room, you sat back against the headboard of the bed, tightly wrapped up in a blanket. From this angle, you had a clear view of the royal gardens. Link had told you Princess Zelda had specifically chosen this room for you because she thought the scene would be therapeutic. The few times you met her, she had been so sweet and kind. You wanted to like her. You really did. But then your mind would be flooded with all the heartbreaks from the past, and you couldn't help but hate her. This wasn't the first time a princess has stolen Link's heart.

"Ah, look here! The roses are about to bloom!"

You narrowed your eyes at the quippy voice. From your seat, you could clearly see Link accompanying Princess Zelda in the gardens.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Princess Zelda asked, turning back to look at Link.

"Yeah," Link replied softly. His eyes, however, weren't fixed on the bed of flowers but rather on the princess.

Princess Zelda seemed to notice because she blushed a little and began to giggle. She didn't comment on it, though and just continued on her way. Link followed after, like an obedient puppy.

It hurt, it really hurt.

The way she looked at him, the way she giggled at his awkward jokes, and the way she ran her fingers up his arms... You recognized the signs all too well. She was falling for him.

And the way he regarded her with so much warmth, the way he spoke to her so gently, and the way he flushed brightly at her jokes... He was falling for her too.

Choking back your tears, you turned away. You felt like your aching heart was beginning to break into pieces. You were so sure that in this life, he'd finally love you back. You've worked so hard, and you've been hurt for so long. Why did fate have to be so cruel to you?

You didn't think you could take any more of this, to withstand the same pain that's plagued you since the dawn of time. Just how much longer did you have to suffer?

【 P R E S E N T L Y

You sat in the corner of the Kakariko Inn lobby, a glare plastered across your pretty face. You couldn't believe the nerve of him. Even though you had told him off and to leave you alone, he still decided to follow you back!? Who does that?! Just who does he think he is?!

"Oy! To Link! Hero of Hyrule!"

Ah, that's right. He's the hero who vanquished the Twilight.

"Welcome to the guild!" The members of the Adventurer Guild cheered, raising their glasses to the man you tried to escape from. "Cheers!"

Link laughed before happily joining in. Although he didn't drink, he seemed to fit right in. He was smiling, laughing, and easily making conversation with everyone around him.

It was so strange, you observed. Even though they were the reincarnation of the same soul, each Link you've met have had completely different personalities. In his last life, he was quieter and preferred to be by himself. However, in this life, he was outgoing and liked being in a social environment- Wait, stop right there.

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