V || Running From Destiny

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【 P R E S E N T L Y

You weren't too sure how long you spent lamenting to the sunset. It could've been minutes, or it could've been hours. That's one of the few wonders of Hyrule. If you truly wished it, the sunsets can last for a lifetime [1]. This was the only time when you really felt like you were able to talk to Midna, and a part of you wished she would listening from her rightful place on the throne of Twilight.

You sighed before standing up and dusting off your clothes. However, you never really got to that part. Somehow along your ascent, you overlooked the thicks roots tangled beneath your feet. You didn't even have time to scream before you toppled over the edge and was embraced by gravity.

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Elsewhere, a young man was alerted of a new arrival. The kind creatures of the forest, the monkeys, came to him in a flurry of panic and worry. He was quite startled by their sudden appearance, given the fact that his mind had previously been indulged in ancient text.

"What's wrong?" He inquired. He was half concerned for their behavior, yet curious at the same time.

The group of monkeys hopped and squealed about. Only when he removed his glasses and put down his book did the monkeys scurry from his tent. The young man quickly followed suit, ignoring the curious shouts of his fellow guildmates.

He didn't care if he was leaving the safety of his camp. He wasn't sure why, but something deep in his gut told him he just had to follow the animals. For once, his academic hunger was subdued by nothing but a feeling alone.

The monkeys didn't lead him too far from the Sacred Grove, and he suddenly knew why. Lying beneath a tree, there was a mess of tangled roots, vines, and fabric. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was more than just some flora lying about. It was a person.

"Oh my!" The young man gasped, immediately rushing to your side. "Are you alright?"

When you did not answer, the young man began to fear for the worse. He quickly placed his fingers against your neck, checking for a sign of life. He didn't have to pray long before he got the results he desired.

Ba-dump, ba-dump.

You were alive!

Without wasting any time, the young man proceeded to check your motionless body for any signs of injuries. To his surprise, you had barely sustained anything beyond superficial. It was a miracle. As he went to pick you up, however, he suddenly stilled.

A look of recognition flashed through his eyes. He knew you.

His intelligent mind exploded with a multitude of questions. The last he heard, you had retired from your days of heroism in favor of living out the rest of your days back home in peace.

So why... Why were you here in the Sacred Grove, away from home?

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Ilia shuffled her feet, a habit of hers when she began to lose patience. It had already been hours since Link set off on his search for you. No matter how much Ilia pleaded, the hero refused to bring her along.

She felt more alone than ever.

She barely even recognized Link before he left. He seemed to have become the ghost of the man he was. He looked absolutely... Haunted. The fire in his eyes had been put out, his laughter turned to silence, and his skin was paler than snow.

Ilia could only understand so much as to why her beloved was in this state. She always knew he had formed a special bond with you since you first moved to Ordon, and that bond had only continued to grow when you both set out to save Hyrule. Ilia, of course, knew that she could never understand the deepest layers of Link's psyche because she just wasn't there to face all those horrors.

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