XIV || Heart Over Matter

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【 P R E S E N T L Y


You suddenly found yourself being seized into Link's embrace, your sword slipping from your hands. His arms wound around your waist, pulling you into his chest. He held you tightly, yet so carefully. It was almost like he was making sure you were real.

He was suddenly everywhere. He had taken over all your senses. He was all you could smell, all you can see, and all you can think about. Your heart went into overdrive, hammering against your chest with an insane amount of fervour. Your temperature rose dangerously, causing your face to burn brightly.

This is wrong.

You shouldn't be letting him do this.

Yet it was everything you had wished for since day one since the Gods above had sent you to his side.

"[Y/N]..." You heard him mutter softly as he nuzzled the top of your head. "You have no idea much how I've missed you."

And just like that, all logic went out the window. Before you knew it, you were holding him back, hands gripping tightly to his tunic. You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your head into the crook of his neck.


Tears sprang to your eyes. You had always been good at keeping your emotions in check. You smiled when it was appropriate, even if all you wanted to do was cry. You remained positive when needed, even if all you wanted to do was wallow in your sorrow. You did it all for him, to help him through whatever life threw at him. That was what you were created for in the first place. You had done it for so long that it almost became second nature to you, so when the dam broke, and the tears started flowing, you were more surprised than anything.

"Link...!" Your voice came out muffled due to your face pressed so tightly into his shoulder.

The hero tightened his hold around you, a small attempt to comfort you. "I'm so glad to see you safe."

"Why are you here...?" You found yourself saying. "Why are you-" Aren't you supposed to be back home with Ilia?

As if he had read your mind, Link slowly pulled away, though still holding you at arm's length. He took one look at you, and the sight of your tears shattered his heart. He's never felt so broken at sight, someone he cared about, not to this degree anyway. What made it even worse was that he was the one responsible for your misery. Again and again, life after life, he had always been the one to hurt you. He might not have remembered it all, but the guilt and pain he felt in this moment caused him to curse repeatedly at his past selves.

"I had to see you," Link began, staring down at you with unwavering eyes. "I need you."

Your eyes widened in shock. You couldn't believe that he had actually said those words, something you had been dreaming about since forever ago. You should be happy, right? Relieved? But you didn't feel any of that. You still felt pain, which made you even more confused.

Link, mistaking your reaction as a good sign, smiled gently before leaning in to pull you into his embrace. To his surprise, however, you raised your arms and shoved him away. The blonde stumbled back, a look of surprise on his face.

"What... What are you doing to me!?" You cried at him, glaring. "You think that after all this, things will just be okay?!"

Link blinked at you, slightly taken back by your aggressive behaviour. Despite the cold look and frown painted across your face, the way your eyebrows were knitted together conveyed to him your true feelings. You were confused, and that scared you.

He didn't blame you. He couldn't imagine what it must be like for you. A part of him was mad at himself for putting you through this emotional storm, but another part of him couldn't resist. He needed to tell you how he felt. It was selfish, he knew. He had willingly caused you all this pain and drama because he just couldn't let it go.

When Telma warned him of interfering in your happiness, Link almost backed off. Almost. But then, as he tended to Epona, he just couldn't get you out of his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about you. In the morning, he had made his decision. He wouldn't stop looking for you until he had found you until he had told you his feelings.

"[Y/N]," Link began softly, the tone of his voice exceptionally sweet. "Listen, I-"

"No!" You cut in, shaking your head. "Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it!"

Link instantly snapped his mouth shut. He kept his eyes trained on you, begging you. "Please... I just have something I need to tell you."

You bit down on your lower lip and shifted your gaze to the side, contemplating. Despite everything you said, a part of you was tempted. After centuries and centuries of yearning for his love and seeking answers, this could finally be your chance to gain some closure. On the other hand, you were scared that if you did agree to hear him out, you'd find yourself instantly wrapped around his finger.

You couldn't deny the feelings you still held for him, but it has taken you so long to break away finally. Were you really willing to toss that away? You'd see him in the next life anyway. Why can't you just have this life to live for yourself?

"No." You firmly refused, staring back at him. "I know exactly what you're going to say."

Link perked up at your words.

"My answer is no." You continued quickly before he can say anything. "I don't want to go back to that life." You elaborated, your resolve reflected strongly in your eyes. "I don't want to be tied to you anymore. You have no idea what it's like, to remember every single memory of every single life."

Link flinched. It felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart and, in all their sadistic glory, decided to twist the knife around. The heartfelt confession he had prepared died instantly in his mouth.

"Leave me alone." You muttered quietly. Without sparing him another glance, you picked your sword off the ground and walked away.

Link was stunned into silence. Honestly, what had he expected? Did he think you'd jump into his arms at his declaration? Did he think that things would go back to how they were?

Would it really be that easy for you to go back to playing the role of his supporter?

So much has changed since you left Ordon Village. You've changed. Rusl was correct; you were no longer the same person as before. You had grown up; you had taken your fate into your own hands and decided to shape it the way you wanted.

A life without Link.

Could this really be it? Was this how it was going to end? When Link finally learned the meaning of true love, his soulmate didn't return his feelings? 

No, he wouldn't allow it.

With his resolve suddenly renewed, Link began to follow after you.

Even if you screamed at him to leave you alone, pushed him away time and time after again, Link wouldn't give up. Even if you didn't want him, he would always want you. It was incredibly selfish of him, but he swore to the stars above that he was going to anything and everything to prove himself to you; he was going to become a man worthy of you.

Link was going to correct all the mistakes he's made in his previous lives. He was finally going to do what his soul has desired ever since the dawn of time. He was going to chase after you, care for you, and love you endlessly.

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