as the two left, jungkook sighs heavily and walk closer. "one more step and i'll fucking make her jump." the thing inside yerim said, making yerim smirk to display its satisfactory. "tell me who the fuck you are and what the fuck you want from her." jungkook demands strictly, he got no times for games or negotiation.

"this girl ? kim yerim ? i had nothing to do with her. but i knew if i had her, i had you." the hoarse voice were disgusting to hear, and jungkook loathe it. "come on jungkook, don't you remember elly."

jungkook took a second to take a guess. "are you perhaps.. sehun ?" yerim lets out a loud laugh, tilting her hair back. "are you perhaps sehun." she repeats with more irritating voice. "let her go and let settle this between us." jungkook sounded like pleading, but as long as yerim is safe, he does not mind kneeling with his head down.

"settle this between us, you said ? and then what ? got me right through hell with a VIP pass ?" sehun asks with a horrific chuckles. "don't get it wrong sehun-ah, just because you're a psychotic, manipulative man doesn't mean everyone is like you. we're not the same." jungkook retaliates calmly.

sehun made yerim nods. "what if.. we let this innocent human heard the real story ?" he asks, fingers on her chin. "hm ? what do you say ?" a historical smile surfaced on her lips as jungkook looks at her wide eyes. "NO ! this thing should just stay with us !" jungkook shouts, her face red. "but i don't listen to people you know ? just my thing."

soon yerim collapse on the cold tiles as a shadow builds up into a human form. jungkook rushes to pick yerim up. she coughs loudly, helping herself up. "there you go, the infamous kim yerim and jungkook." sehun interrupts, clapping forcefully.

"i know you're up to no good." yerim mutters underneath her breath. "oh now i'm the bad guy ? guess the tables had turned." sehun pouts. his pouts later turned into a smirk which creep the hell out kim yerim. "do you indeed want to tell her ? jungkook ?" sehun asks, his left brow rise up.

"tell me what ?" yerim asks, looking at jungkook who had turned uneasy. he looks worried, his face red as his veins start popping on his neck. "stop it sehun." he said forcefully, he is really not in his mood to fight with sehun. "come on jungkook, she seems a little curious." sehun provoke, which made yerim mad.

"tell me right fucking now jungkook." yerim demands, becoming impatient. "i said.. ENOUGH !" yerim and sehun both knew that jungkook"s voice might have awaken the city of seoul. yerim stiffens but sehun seem nowhere near fear. "why are you avoiding it ? are you afraid she will not love you again ? or are you too embarrassed to show your true self ?"

before they knew it, jungkook had pushes sehun out the window. shocked, yerim runs to the window only to be surprised by something new.

both jungkook and sehun had their wings out. each sparkling differently. jungkook's wings are white in colour. his feather were as clean as newly bought clothes. it radiates a silvery sparkles, as if they were coated in shining white stardust. meanwhile sehun's wings on the other hand were crimson in colour, radiating orange-ish lights.

they were fighting on the sky. throwing each other punch by punch. they seemed completely carefree for opening their wings in public place like this. yerim wants to run away, maybe call for a help. however just as she about to leave the room, jungkook and sehun are back with sehun being under jungkook. the latter had been throwing unstoppable punches to the man beneath him.

jungkook seems like a different person. probably because yerim had never see this side of jungkook. there was rages, his face full of it. his teeth were clenched as he beats the man mercilessly. this is not jungkook. this is, evil.

"jungkook, stop !" that was the hundredth cries from yerim, only then that jungkook stop punching. "this man wasn't even affected !" he shouts, pointing finger to sehun. "no, stop, please." yerims begs, holding tight onto jungkook's sleeves.

sehun roses up from the floor, wiping the blood stain from the corner of his lips. he smirks again, laughing slightly before refreshing himself. yerim was surprised to see how fast he recovered. "you're just a coward who refuses to accept the truth." shun comments. yerim was quick to hold jungkook before he throw another punch.

"tell her jungkook, i dare you." he provokes again. yerim feels like ripping his throat off for how annoying he is, but she knoes she had no strength to do so, not after seeing how fast sehun recovered just now. jungkook sighs, turning around to finally look at yerim. "kim yerim, i-" no matter how hard he tried to push himself, his mouth getting heavier to talk.

"i.. i- i never loved you yerim-" yerim's heart felt like exploding, not of happiness, but because of the truth she refuses to accept. "but it was long ago kim yerim, i swear i've love you more than ever-"

"shut up." sehun cuts his sentence off. he was entertained to see how wrecked both jungkook and yerim looked. yerim's grip on jungkook's arm loosen as she falls down the floor. "why." repeatedly left her mouth. she was left empty and her heart is dying. "it was in the pa-"

"YOU LIED TO ME !" she snaps, even sehun was surprised. jungkook looks down, completely broken.

sehun waste no time to kneel beside yerim, he looks at her pathetically. "sad, isn't it ? loving someone so much you don't even know they had never loved you." he utters. "he lied to you all the fucking time. don't you just get tired for being so stupid ?" he lets out a fake sob as he react to the moment when yerim's father found out about them, "let her go, you can have me all you want." he said in his annoying voice.

"must be sad to know that he was the one who told your father everything about both of you. you see ? even he was tired of you, that he wanted you to be sent into a lonely planet." yerim seems even more wrenched with the new information. she doesn't cry, she just sit there silently, feeling numb.

"do you even know angels have no emotions nor feelings ? we can't even feel your kiss." sehun laughs, "that night at the old hut ? a waste." he adds. yerim knows what night sehun was talking about. the night when yerim decided to give her everything to jungkook. she really had gave all of her on that fucking night, which ended up a waste.

she looks up at jungkook who returns her gaze with a sympathetic one. he doesn't seem to fight sehun anymore, which made what sehun said were the truths. meanwhile yerim looks at him with rather cold expression. underneath her powerful gaze, she wanted to beg for explanations, she wants jungkook to say that all of that are not the truths. she wants jungkook to take her away from here, while assuring her that none of them are true. and yet, the man did nothing but look at her with sad eyes.

"imagine how tired i am." yerim finally voices out, gathering all her strength to get up again. "imagine how tired you are." sehun repeats, with a sly smile on his lips as he snakes his arm around yerim's waist.

that was when a real blood starts sputtering around as a body fell to the ground. everyone in the room was left speechless.

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