"Let's just get inside. I'm tired of standing out here."

"What about Kingsley? Or Anold? Raphael? What about Sadiq?" The girl asked as she hurriedly followed her friends inside the room.

I let out an exhale.

Take a deep breath, Kora.
The voice in my head told me.

So what if we had classes with old money? So what if I had to sit in that classroom with majority of the people that hated me? Oma and her friends? Jeremiah? What difference was it going to make? Why did it have to affect me? Why did I have to skip one of the most important, and compulsory classes in NAUN, because of them?

Unlike other schools, NAUN knew the importance of music, and made it compulsory that all her students actually knew how to play at least one musical instrument, or at least try to. In our current day and age, a lot of schools gave a lot of importance, and opened their arms wide to people with knowledge in music or sports. Arts schools in the abroad, especially. It was already a crazy thing we were made to sit in the same lecture room with the seniors since last week, and now, old money had to join us too?

"Brighten up your face, Kora. Today is just going to be like every other day. You don't have to talk to anyone. Just sit down and mind your business. Focus, and it'd all be over before you know it". That was all the advice I gave myself for two days. I took a deep breath. That was it. That was one of the fears I just had to face. I clenched on tighter to my backpack, and walked inside the large lecture room.


I watched everyone stop what it was they were doing, just to look at me. As always, I expected it anyway, and I knew exactly what was going to come next. The whispers.

I took a deep breath, and scanned the hall for an empty seat, where I didn't have to be surrounded by people with huge frowns on their faces, who weren't interested in being around me, and that was when my eyes met his, right above the tiny stairs where the entire old money were sitting, above everyone else. He was looking right at me, paying less attention to Kingsley who happened to be talking to him, before I walked in.

Those were three rows of powerful people, and he just happened to look like he was the most powerful of them all, in his brown turtle neck top, which wasn't even a part of the uniform, and his uniform blazer right on it. He never really obeyed the rule of dressing completely and appropriately in uniform, on school property.

Oma was sitting right beside him. She had her eyes glued on me, and when our eyes met, I watched her frown thicken as she raised a brow. I looked away, taking a quick breath. I knew I had to focus.

There was a seat right in front of me, it was the seat on the first row, directly in front of the professor's stage, and backing the rest of the class. There weren't much people on the row, no one liked sitting in front of the lecturers anyway. That was the perfect spot. I hurried to it quickly, before someone else did. At least I could turn my back on everyone and everything. 

The whispers began to settle a little, just as I quickly brought out my books from my bag, and my iPad too. I was really nervous now, and doing all I could to not think about the eyes that were glued on me. I opened my books quickly, giving them all my attention. I wasn't going to let myself be bothered by anyone, and even if anyone tried to, it was a good thing Jeremiah was there to tell them the truth, to tell them he didn't mean to kiss me, and everything he said was a lie.

Knock, knock, knock.

I held my breath the moment a hand rested on my desk, after knocking thrice. I could see some figures standing in front of me.

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