18. Freedom

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Herold went back to access the situation, in the chambers. He'd found Kiara tied to the bed and in the nude.

Most men's senses would be heightened,and he'd admit that his where at first. Although ,through the state of her desperaty ,she could see what drove his brothers to the brink of madness . When he'd first laid his eyes on her,appalled by the situation ,he'd seen her soft skin adorned with bruises due to the abusive fists of their owners. He was observing the situation with much attentively but his eyes shamelessly scanned her figure which he was very shamefup of. Although he hadn't seen much and respectfully didn't want to. But he had do admit,she was beautiful.

"Look princess, it's me as you can see," flirted Herold so lamely. His attempt at trying to lift the mood of the atmosphere was a failure, however ,he would not fret so soon.
After he'd covered her with a blanket ,he worked on cutting her restraints off her arms.
She lay unresponsive as he'd taken to her needs. He looked into her eyes only to find an eternal abyss covered with a shallow river of tears.
He could detect that she was too far gone and to bring her back would be a feat than no other known to man.
He lifted her covered body in his strong frame and carried her away.

' I can't believe I'm away from those two bastards.', Kiara thought bitterly yet relieved. She couldn't believe how easily the princes let her go. She thought they'd have put up more of a fight.
"Are you ready to go beautiful?"
"Sorry I was just lost in my thought."
"No problem sweetheart,I could see that."
"Look I know you're scared of them but I promise you very soon you'll be gone from them."
"I just need time to organize things & get them in order."
"Do you trust me princess?"
Kiara looked askance at Herold yet gave her judgement the benefit of the doubt.  She gave him a small nod.
They peacefully & quietly made their way to the horse stables. They picked the two horses they rode to Greenesmithe with before heading out into the forest. Herold gently helped Kiara onto her horse then proceeded to climb and straddle his. He'd given Kiara training and guidance on how to reign in the horse. He was also closely behind her in case things went wrong therefore he could protect her.
They peacefully made their way to the stream. Once upon arrival they let their horses roam free . They discussed trivial matters and lounged around while observing distinguishable shapes of clouds in the sky. Herold avoided talking about Kiara's experiences figuring she'd open up to he when she was ready.
"These cheesecake tarts were absolutely stupendous," praised Kiara in absolute pleasure. It was rare that she was able to receive pleasure as she was always the one required to provide it. Their scrumptious picnic filled with cheeses,fruits and vegetables, sweet beverages and a whole variety of food kept them satiated and gratified.
Herold had not the best persuasion skills, but he was glad that he'd convinced her to come with him on this journey and consume some of the delicacies that he'd prepared for her. She was all about preparing and serving him as before she was shoved into this new way of life, she had been a lowly ,humble and servant. She also referred to herself of undeserving of such appeasement as she did not have 'royal blood.' Eventually,she was able to crack under the immense pressure after he'd used his 'royal' status against her.
"So as I was saying, the general fell off his chair in  drunken fervor as he was retelling the story of how his daughter eloped with his enemy for a day."
"Wow,it sounds like there's nothing you've haven't been exposed to on your voyages."
"Did you ever miss staying in one area with your family or were you happy to be traveling the world?"
"When I was younger,I always used to enquire about my mother but my father was unwilling to share that information with me."
"Eventually I got sent away and in my young mind,I thought it was my inquisitivity was what led to that happening,."
"But I aged,the reasons became more sinister than that."
"Turns out I'm an illegitimate child. My mother was a prostitute that my father pursued one night."
"That bastard,he was married to a woman whom he abused every night and made her life miserable."
"Yet he decides to go out and chase after unwilling woman instead of making things work between him and his life partner."
Herold only realized his mistake as he'd completed his raging rant in vain .
"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to make trigger something."
"It's just that it hurts me to see that men treating women badly is a perpepuating vicious cycle."
"I didn't know that my brothers had become so negatively influenced like this."
"I was always seperated from them as I'd put the royals to shame if my the identity were ever to come out."
"I was forced to live in the dungeons sometimes or the maids quarters."
"I always envied my brothers for them having a life I wanted and could not fully have."
"Eventually ,I saw my departure from here and a lost child hood as a blessing and not a curse."
"I hated that I hated to be a diplomat and not be able to fulfill my princely duties."
"Although I was happy to travel the world,as very few had such abundant opportunities,I felt as I'd missed out on a big chunk of my life, precisely ,my childhood."
"But I'd rather be a humble and lowly prostitute's illegitimate son than the son a wealthy and affluent king that has me regard for human life especially those of a woman."
"I am ashamed to share the lady name of my father along with my brothers."
"Yes,they are still my family but their behavior is intolerable , inexcusable and unnacceptable. "
Kiara, looked at him in adoration. She knew that he was different, but could she yet trust him.
Herold forcefully grabbed ahold of Kiara's hands but when he felt her stiffen,his advances became a little more gentler.
"I promise Kiara,whatever it takes,whatever I need to do,I'll get you away from here."
"You don't deserve this,no woman deserves this and my silence is as good compliancy. "
"I have permitted this for far too long and it's about time some change happened here."

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