14. Wedding Day

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Kiara could not believe this,she tried so hard to avoid this...to prevent it but now she had no outlet - no way out.
She tried as hard as she could.
She really thought she did.
Why was her best not enough?
Would it ever be?

She'd been battered internally and externally so many times that she'd given up on trying to continue to fight for herself anymore.
What did she do to deserve such?
She had been a good person her whole life...or at least tried to be.
Did that not count for something?
Kiara had been interrupted from her thoughts by a soft-spoken voice.
"Mistress Kiara,it's time for us to go now."
The maid came to Kiara's side as she stood up.
Kiara looked breathtakingly beautiful in her white and perfectly tailored wedding gown.
Kiara had never imagined herself to get married like this...
Getting married between two guys...imagine that two men that constantly abuse her and take advantage of her.

Two men she was just a fetish to.
Two men she didn't love.
Kiara and the maid left the chambers to head to the castle's main garden.
On the way,they were then escorted by a guard for the remainder of the journey to the garden.
Kiara was taken away by the beauty of the garden.
It was so majestic,tranquil and beautiful.
But not today... not with what was happening today.
Yes,the scenery was beautiful and all but the day had been very chaotic.
With all the wedding preparations, everyone had been busy trying to make the day as perfect as can be.
The maid and the guard returned back to their duties leaving Kiara alone when they'd finally made it to the grand doors of the garden, and the few people that noticed her immediately stopped their chitter-chatter because they were so enthralled by her beauty.
And then more and more people began noticing the beauty and suddenly the whole place was silent.
When the king and his sons landed their eyes on her,they were speechless.
Kiara only kept eye contact with the floor, as she couldn't look her future-husbands and father in-law in the eyes while walking down the isle.
She was too bewildered and nervous that this was happening to her .
She'd finally reached the three men.
The king was standing next to the priest while she was sandwiched between Harry and Harrison with her back facing Harry.
The tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

All the people here knew that Kiara was here against her will yet they still continued on as if nothing was wrong.
These people were all hypocrites.
"Beautiful people,we are today to celebrate the union of this unconventional yet ..."
"Do you Kiara Carter of Goldensmith take Princes Harry and Harrison as your lawfully wedded husbands?"
Kiara knew she had to say 'I do',but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
If she agreed to this,she'd be bound to these two monsters for the rest of her life, however if she said no ,she'd be risking so much including the livelihood of people.
When her eyes locked with the priest's, they were still as uninviting and cold as they'd been before.
A rough tug on her arm, from one of her beloved husbands urged her to ...
"You know I never thought I'd get married so soon,so young."
Harry looked at Kiara Adoringly before continuing and touching her face from which she flinched from.
Harry was unfazed by this,he knew that she'd eventually warm up to them.
It was understandable why she was scared of them as they hadn't treated her so well before but she'd get used to them.
She didn't have a choice,she was their wife now.
"But I got married to you sweetheart and I think it was worth it...you're worth it."

"It was definitely worth it",Harrison chimed in.
Kiara tried her hardest not flinch from Harrison's touch because she did not want him to retaliate.
She would not lie to herself to satisfy these bastards.
She did not love them,not at all.
She doubted she'd ever love them,not in this lifetime at least.
The only she'd love them is if they gave her some love potion or spell.
But what she would admit, that if she could choose between the 2 brothers,she'd choose Harry.

She cared about her body being used against her will,but at least Harry could be lenient and not to do anything to her when she asked him not to and he wasn't violent.
He treated her with some decency,some level or form of respect.
She couldn't get it out of her mind.
She couldn't forget how she woke up that morning with a pain that she'd never felt before,between her legs and welts and bruises all over her body.

She couldn't forget how he'd mistreated her.
He made her feel worthlessness and she couldn't help but fear him and hate him too.
But she feared him much much more .
But she had to be strong or at least pretend to not be so scared of him to avoid his irrational and impulsive behavior.
"Baby ,you are so tense."
"Relax,calm down sweetheart we won't go so hard on you today."
"We can do whatever you want",said Harrison encouragingly.
"You look so beautiful in this white wedding gown you're in with these flowers in your hair."
"Thank you my lords."
Harry began untying her hair and let it fall to her shoulders.
He played with her hair for a while as Harrison begun taking her shoes off,he satisfied with her response as she did not flinch this time however she tensed but it hardly lasted a second.
Kiara has a plan,but she doesn't know if it'll work.
She doesn't know what she'll do with her life.
It just had to work.

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